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You Dont Even Go Here Bro

Race Jones

gangster. grace. alchemy
we need some damn order in this mfer


lately, ppl that arent even from the US have been speaking down, across, and on top of Black americans. i get this election got a lot of you out here showing your damn ass but before i kick u in it, i want to say

if you never lived here (the US), stay in your damn place!!!

seeing as tho anti-Blackness is global, im pretty sure theres tons of atrocities occuring within your borders, focus on that.

its completely mind numbing seeing niggas champion certain politicans while not residing in the country they plan to govern!!!!

how are you nig nogs hype for biden and living in gotdamn timbuktu!!?!?

how are you calling Black americans dumb for speaking on the many failures of the DNC?!! you dont even live here!!!!!

stay in your fucking place
literally and figuratively

i dont come to your job and tell you how to drop fries, so dont come over here telling me how to do mine

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Unfortunately whoever leads the US has an effect on all of us, and not just in a soft power kinda way.

So, yeah I'ma talk my shit


we need some damn order in this mfer

View attachment 395366

lately, ppl that arent even from the US have been speaking down, across, and on top of Black americans. i get this election got a lot of you out here showing your damn ass but before i kick u in it, i want to say

View attachment 395367
if you never lived here (the US), stay in your damn place!!!

seeing as tho anti-Blackness is global, im pretty sure theres tons of atrocities occuring within your borders, focus on that.

its completely mind numbing seeing niggas champion for certain politicans while not residing in the country they plan to govern!!!!

how are you nig nogs hype for biden and living in gotdamn timbuktu!!?!?

how are you calling Black americans dumb for speaking on the many failures of the DNC?!! you dont even live here!!!!!

stay in your fucking place
literally and figuratively

i dont come to your job and tell you how to drop fries, so dont come over here telling me how to do mines


@Race Jones I agree with you, that it's laughable for people to think change gon' come i.e. less racism.

This though sounds like that the lamentations of a malcontent. Otherwise, should have voiced this before the result. Had plenty of time.
Cosign man, them niggas and bitches are bums.

They voted Trump because if he had won they would have been celebrating Biden losing just so they didn't "expose" themselves. Their reactions are unnecessary unless subconsciously they wanted Biden to lose and are upset. Them a fuckin claffy SMMFH.
US presidents do affect Black ppl and the marganalized throughout the global south. we are the police of the entire world. so you should be calling to have our government dismantled, not sitting on the sidelines rooting for our next fascist in chief