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COMMUNITY Would You Series. Vol 1


We Don't Won't No Damn Giddy!
Site Administrator
Simple premises with a simple question.

Would you.....

Give up what you love, for who you love?
Not gonna be able to do it.

Especially if it's something that benefits the both of us.
I was once told never to love something that can't love you back.

I don't think I'd appreciate a presented ultimatum. But if I knew it was one way or the other in my heart.... I'd choose who I love
What if you're an alcoholic tho?

I mean thats different nigga.. shes obviously just looking out for my well being in that situation.

I'm sayin if she can't accept something I like doing in my spare time or what I do for a living which I also enjoy doing then its a no
At first, I was like 'Hell No!', but then I thought about how I loved porn, but realized that it was getting in the way of intimacy, had a discussion with the Queen, let that shit go.