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Mister B. M. Ed.

The Devil’s Greatest Advocate…..

Winter storm threatens East Coast, bringing temps colder than Mars

A massive "bombogenesis" -- an area of rapidly declining low pressure -- will wreak havoc on the Northeast this week, threatening hurricane-force winter wind gusts and blinding snow.

The bombogenesis will result in what's known as a "bomb cyclone." And the bomb cyclone, expected to strike Thursday, will likely dump 6 to 12 inches of snow in New England and hurl 40- to 60-mph gusts.

Son, this shit so bad they've cancelled school in NYC early.....and that almost NEVER happens.

Check in. Where are you, and if you've been hit by snow already, how much have you gotten?
Lmao this shit happens up here every year. You be aight.
i might come back to the states early.

my homie that checks on my house is outta town and i think i might have ran outta oil before the last delivery. once that shit happens someone needs to restart the burner.

wife stressed hoping our pipes dont burst
Including wind chill it was -25 here a couple days ago. Shit is crazy b. 70 some odd days till spring. I can’t take it anymore lol
"it's the perfect texture for running"

nigga said PERFECT......

Storm wasnt that bad, but winds suppose to be in the 50 mph range tonight and the temp suppose to be 1° or 2 ° smh