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Why don’t we experience Ontological Shock in Dreams


Who do you think you are? I am
Ontological shock mean’s experiencing an event so profound that it causes you to question your world view. It’s quite jarring and if you have lived long enough you’ve experienced it few times.

But when we dream we often experience a whole host of things that aren’t normal. Yet we never question in the dream why it’s happening. We react to it and experience feelings of fear, anger, excitement.

At the same time we always experience it as this is a normal thing. Why do you think that is? When we dream often times we don’t know it’s a dream so you’d think that ontological shock in a dream would make you realize that something is wrong I must be dreaming but we never think that.

Why do you think we believe that what we experience in a dream is normal?

You’d see Freddy Kruger in a dream and have the feelings affiliated with being faced with him, but you never think, “hold on, this isn’t right”.

Why do you think that is?
I guess I’m one of the few people who forgets his dreams within minutes of awaking.

I never remember my dreams.

I can’t even tell you the last time I dreamed about something.

Coulda been last night, or maybe not… I have no recollection.
I guess I’m one of the few people who forgets his dreams within minutes of awaking.

I never remember my dreams.

I can’t even tell you the last time I dreamed about something.

Coulda been last night, or maybe not… I have no recollection.

same.. unless I write some shit down within like 30 seconds of waking up that shit is fleeting and I only remember bits a pieces of details of what happened in the dream.

I will say the feelings/emotions brought out in those dreams may linger tho
I'd say that in our dreams our perception of what is or isn't normal is vastly different from what we feel in reality. Basically anything is possible in dreams, so why would anything be profound enough to change your world view. In your dreams an alien invasion isn't out of the question, so an encounter with aliens wouldn't be as monumental as if it happened in real life.