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Why does Trailers have mini trailers in the beginning?


Bitch mob
Is this something based on people attention span? Like what's the point of spoiling trailers with the first five seconds showing the climax of the new trailer?

Here is a thread on this that came out years ago. Sucks that it's likely an adopted staple of marketing and I have to fast forward to first ten seconds and shit.

Same reason trailers are longer and show the whole movie. More ppl let it rock than ones that dislike it.
....never noticed cuz I never cared.

Them 20-30 second teasers they put out after a full trailer are dumb AF to me.
on one hand, a lot of these modern retards have an incredibly short attention span so the mini trailer is for them; and on the other hand, we have the other kind of modern retards who are too slow to understand regular shit so they have to show the whole goddamn plot in the long trailer.