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Let me let y’all in on the worst kept secret in music.

All songs get botted to some degree usually.

This dude’s story not adding up though because how would he be getting death threats?

How would ppl know he did it?

Spotify will take your music down if it’s a certain percentage of fake streams

Sometimes ppl get tricked by promo ppl or get added to botted playlists by Spotify or Spotify members/users without payment or any funny business.
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I know this isn’t exactly a Kendrick Lamar thread specifically but did somebody post the story where the son of a policeman who said he was traumatized by a teacher playing the Alright video as part of the documentary about hip-hop and the family sued the school and got $100,000 from the school system?
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I know this isn’t exactly a Kendrick Lamar thread specifically but did somebody post the story where the son of a policeman who said he was traumatized by a teacher playing the Alright video as part of the documentary about hip-hop and the family sued the school and $100,000 from the school system?
I posted a few pages back


I wonder how long it's going to take Drake's marketing team to realize AK can't do the task they asking him to do.

All the teenage clout in the world doesn't make the man a damage control PR team. But they clearly still paying him to spin narratives away. At this point I don't think AK really believes this shit he putting out.