WHO DID IT ?!?!?!


I was really really tryna keep it PG
Site Administrator
Jan 18, 2017
aight ya'll

so most of ya'll know me and @Knock_Twice are friends irl.

most of you know that i went to school in NOLA, but what most of you dont know is what happened the weekend of Southern University vs Jackson State.

I still to this day have yet to figure out who did it, but hopefully, my ABW family will help solve this mystery.


so its me, Knock and JL (dude who bought the lotto tickets). I got a lil studio apartment in Metairie which is about 15 min from downtown NOLA depending on traffic. Anyway, this was the first of two meetings b/t the two teams in NOLA. We all leave from BR and there is actually footage somewhere of the weekend but i think JL got it or his brother got it.

We decide to do a parody of MTV Cribs of my apt and record it to pass the time until nightfall. We go downtown, record some stuff, head back to the crib ( i think this was Friday night). Saturday and Saturday night are pretty much the same as Friday night

so sunday morning, we wake up, they about to leave to go back to BR b/c i got class the next morning. BOTH of these niggas have used the bathroom before i did.

I go in to take a leak...i go to wash my hands, and i see a bar of soap on the counter. This is odd to me b/c i use the soap with the pump dispenser for hand wash soap, so why is this bar sitting on my counter?

I pick the bar up to examine it, and there is this big ass dent on the side. An impression if you will, like a nigga done cleaned his shoe with that bitch. Before i go to confront these two niggas, i start thinking in my head, how is the culprit. BOTH of these niggas had on all white sneakers and probably used it to clean their fucking shoes for saturday night.

So i go out and ask them "which one of you niggas used my fucking soap that i use to wash my body to clean your fucking tennis shoes"


it was like that scene from house party when Play asked them who took a dump in his mama bathroom

they immediately started pointing at each other. The trip part about it is, BOTH of them had very convincing evidence why it was the other one. Then, they both serious and smiling at the same time, almost like it was some sort of inside joke. I said "ya'll im not mad, i just wanna know who did it"

They still pointing at each other. Now im getting pissed b/c none of them will cop to it.

Every time after that when we would think back on that weekend, i would ask them, "man keep it real, who used my soap to clean their shoes"...they stuck to their answers of blaming it on each other

Reason why i think knock twice did it...b/c he sneaky...he would do some shit like that, then just blame it on somebody else..kinda like if he pass gas, then try to act like he didnt when it finally hit your nose

reason why i think JL did it...b/c according to knock, one time he was at JL house, and JL dad cooked some red beans...he claims he witnessed JL take a big ass bite out of the sausage then put it back in the pot, then when his dad asked about it, he blamed it on one of his brothers.

What say ya'll...who ya'll think used the soap?
They both did it and because they don't respect you neither of them will cop to it.
that crossed my mind too, but neither one of them claim they actually saw the other person do it
that crossed my mind too, but neither one of them claim they actually saw the other person do it
These are the same people who on one hand claimed to see the other take a bite out of a sausage and then put it back into red beans, and on the other hand will put the blame for a fart on someone else. Whatever they told you is probably wildly different from the actually events that occurred in the bathroom that day.
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Btw that's my only reasonable post for the day, expect more dumb shit from here on out
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