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Which era was worse?

Which era had it worse?

  • 90’s through now

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • 80’s and before

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Lost in that Akademiks thread there was a debate that was bubbling. Majority of the site is gen x and slightly younger. I’d like to know which decade do you think was tougher? As a 29 year old I just feel like we went through a lot of bullshit growing up. Between natural disasters, an increase in shootings social media clout, record breaking inflation, a pandemic, flagrant racism, and a declining infrastructure in a lot of major cities. I understand the boomers had to deal with racism and getting drafted but I feel like this shitty country has been at a low point these past few years. So who do you guys think had it worse, the younger generation of the older generation??
Easy, the 70's-very early 90's.

The 70's saw the rise of the drug economy, lingering effects of racism, and the systematic dismantling of Black, Brown, Native, and Asian movements. My stepfather utterly refused to sit in a restaurant with his back to the door because the work he did in the community made him a target at the federal level and he knew it. Government aid meant the destruction of the Black family 'cause you couldn't get on assistance with an able bodied man in the house.

The 80's moved a lot of that forward. Most major cities in the 80's became drug fueled war zones. You didn't know if you would step off the porch and end up dead because of a bullet meant for someone else. Lotta families and communities were destroyed by the drug trade back then. On top of that, we had the threat of nuclear annihilation looming over us daily. Racism went from being overt to covert and still kept people of color from advancing. At the end of the decade we ended up at war. When the war in Iraq popped off I had just started college and we ain't know what the fuck was about to happen. Lotta cats was ready to drive over to Windsor, ON if they instituted a draft like Bush threatened to do. If you lived in Cali, the 80's served as a stepping point for gang violence. It was already there, but it got intensified as movies like Colors all but glorified the shit.

I could go on, but I think you get the point, plus I got some work I gotta tie up.
Easy, the 70's-very early 90's.

The 70's saw the rise of the drug economy, lingering effects of racism, and the systematic dismantling of Black, Brown, Native, and Asian movements. My stepfather utterly refused to sit in a restaurant with his back to the door because the work he did in the community made him a target at the federal level and he knew it. Government aid meant the destruction of the Black family 'cause you couldn't get on assistance with an able bodied man in the house.

The 80's moved a lot of that forward. Most major cities in the 80's became drug fueled war zones. You didn't know if you would step off the porch and end up dead because of a bullet meant for someone else. Lotta families and communities were destroyed by the drug trade back then. On top of that, we had the threat of nuclear annihilation looming over us daily. Racism went from being overt to covert and still kept people of color from advancing. At the end of the decade we ended up at war. When the war in Iraq popped off I had just started college and we ain't know what the fuck was about to happen. Lotta cats was ready to drive over to Windsor, ON if they instituted a draft like Bush threatened to do. If you lived in Cali, the 80's served as a stepping point for gang violence. It was already there, but it got intensified as movies like Colors all but glorified the shit.

I could go on, but I think you get the point, plus I got some work I gotta tie up.
The 70’s sound very similar to going on right now. They’re still very reluctant to give families assistance unless it’s for single mothers
Black people were more unified and family oriented in the 60s and 70s

neighborhoods were safer in a way outside of racists

It’s not far fetched to say they would rather live then than
I think about this often. I’m in my 30s now and over my lifetime I’ve seen so much wild shit:

Mass shootings
War on Terrorism
A Recession
Record inflation
Sky high & Record breaking costs in Housing
The policing of WORDS

I know shit was rough before the 90s but got damn I never thought I’d see half of the shit I lived through
I think about this often. I’m in my 30s now and over my lifetime I’ve seen so much wild shit:

Mass shootings
War on Terrorism
A Recession
Record inflation
Sky high & Record breaking costs in Housing
The policing of WORDS

I know shit was rough before the 90s but got damn I never thought I’d see half of the shit I lived through

We had pretty much all of that except 9/11 and the policing of words. Recession, the Savings and Loan collapse which tanked the housing market, inflation, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, a few mass shootings, the Cold War, etc.
These are never fair comparisons cause times change, and each era has its own hardships.

Alot of the shit that made the 60s hard dont exist today. But today has a ton of problems that didnt exist in the 60s.

The issue is a mfer from the 60s would list a bunch of factors that dont exist today and say the 60s were harder, and its almost always impossible to explain to that mfer the hardships of today. The mfer from the 60s dont understand. If their form of hardship doesnt exist today, they cant fathom that this era comes with its own issues.

Im not letting youngins off the hook either. Cause youngins cant sit here and understand why the shit the OGs call hard was actually hard.

Impossible to have this convo in good faith imo. Causr everyone is gonna view it from a childs eye and think what they saw was harder
These are never fair comparisons cause times change, and each era has its own hardships.

Alot of the shit that made the 60s hard dont exist today. But today has a ton of problems that didnt exist in the 60s.

The issue is a mfer from the 60s would list a bunch of factors that dont exist today and say the 60s were harder, and its almost always impossible to explain to that mfer the hardships of today. The mfer from the 60s dont understand. If their form of hardship doesnt exist today, they cant fathom that this era comes with its own issues.

Im not letting youngins off the hook either. Cause youngins cant sit here and understand why the shit the OGs call hard was actually hard.

Impossible to have this convo in good faith imo. Causr everyone is gonna view it from a childs eye and think what they saw was harder

If the shit ain't hard to the OG's, maybe it really just ain't that hard.

I can't see anything my kids came up with as being hardships 'cause most of the shit has really very simple solutions that no one wants to utilize 'cause that would mean lifestyle changes.
If the shit ain't hard to the OG's, maybe it really just ain't that hard.

I can't see anything my kids came up with as being hardships 'cause most of the shit has really very simple solutions that no one wants to utilize 'cause that would mean lifestyle changes.


Let me apply my 60 years of life experience and learnings and expect a 15-20 year old to have those some exact experiences.

Yep. Checks out 100%
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning, since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it


Let me apply my 60 years of life experience and learnings and expect a 15-20 year old to have those some exact experiences.

Yep. Checks out 100%

They're not having the exact same experiences. Here's an article from 2021 that shows the "hardships" these new kids are facing.


Now... toss out Covid 'cause that was everybody's problem.

In every age bracket "Technology addiction" is listed. Ok, here's the very simple solution: Put the shit down, go outside, and do something. Nobody's life REQUIRES having a phone, tablet, or other device in your hand at all times; it's a choice you make to do that. The solution? Make a different choice. Choose NOT to be on your fuckin phone all the time. Choose NOT to post everything you do on IG, TikTok, etc. Choose to use your phone as... well... a phone. Use it to make calls and not much else.

I take a physical digital camera with me every single time I leave the crib. I take pics of shit wherever I happen to be because I enjoy photography. I don't use my phone unless my battery dies and I forgot to pack replacements. Even when I do take pics with my phone, I don't have social media apps of any type on it, so I'm not compelled to "share" anything I snap on any platform. Take that and apply it everywhere. You don't' have to share anything about your life online.

Racism is another one. My generation didn't have to deal with the level of racism my parents or grandparents dealt with, but I still dealt with in-your-face racism until about the early 80's, then it went covert. Today??? The racism kids face is, by and large, online. Some shit you only see because you're on sites where it exists. If you ain't on there, guess what? You don't deal with it anymore. Imagine that!!! And there's the simple solution and it ties in with tech adiction.

I can keep going, but really the top 5 issues that each age bracket complains about is really some shit that can be dealt with in a very simple manner.
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