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When Did U First “Discover” Girls?

I think it was around the second grade for me when I realized that girls kinda “aroused” me.

So, I was like maybe 6 or 7.
In 2nd grade, girl I liked as a friend went down the slide. But she hop before she went down, and I saw her underwear.

The became motivation for the next two years…no bullshit, I found out that I’m a good artist cause her mother was the art teacher and had an afterschool program that I only joined cause I was compelled to be next to her.

Then from that everything branched like a multiverse movie
Had to have been 4 or 5.

Step-Pops had some photography books and National Geographic magazines in the den that I had access to. Came across black and white nudes in one particular photography book then NatGeo with the tribal African women with nothing on but a string of beads around their waist.

Knew what I wanted ever since.
Her name was Tanya (Everybody called her T.C.)

2nd grade.

Always thought she was the coolest chick EVER.

She had the coolest pimp walk and she wore these keys on her waist that would always jingle when she walked.

Damn, I wanted her.
I was in kindergarten. Her name was Crystal. Fine brown skin classmate.

Sexually though, when I was probably 8 or 9, we were playing tag or some shit and I accidentally grabbed an older girl’s titty. That memory lived rent free in my mind for the whole summer, lol.
This thread made me remember a lot of shit I forgot around kindergarten age and it's tripping me out that my daughter is barely past that right now
Young. Could've been 1st grade or kindergarten.

Tryna get kisses from one girl for some candy I had.