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whats one thing you can confidently say you’ll never do?


I don’t wanna get in one that’s supposed to be landing…fuck I look like jumping out of 1??

You adrenaline junkies can have that shit
Hey if we learn anything from final destination, it's that you can't avoid death. And shit that's a beautiful way to die. Quick and plenty of scenery. The very definition of living life to the fullest!
1.I will never have a threesome
2.Do life based on someone else's truth
3.Feel bad about being me
4.Eat pork, beef or turkey....I might have a weak moment and eat a piece of chicken or salmon.
5.Clout chase/ Troll on Social Media/Internet sites
6. Prevent my child from seeing and having a relationship with his father because of misunderstanding or petty bullshit between us. I go back and forth in my mind about putting his ass on child support, but I really don't like child support system...but he might piss me off real bad one day so never say never. Alot can change in 9 years till my kid 18.
7. Stay in a situation that's fuck up( work, relationship ....etc etc)