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What kinda apples y’all eat?

Funny enough I got a lot more apples than I was supposed to through instacart the other day so I been eating apples all week

Honey crisp
Granny Smith

then last night I came to the conclusion that Granny Smith is horrible
I like apples but they ain’t never the first fruit I think about. So I don’t eat them that much but when I do, I like honey crisp and ain’t nothing like a Granny Smith after brushing your teeth. It’s an experience every time.
In before niggaz start wit that “I only eat Fresh Madagascar apples grow on tha eastern side of a mountain...they’re $37 a piece...you ain’t had apples till you had THEM...”


To answer tha question...I like Granny Smith and them golden joints
Speaking of I just seen never heard of before these pink pineapples supposed to be $50 a piece. Supposed to be so damn good but fuck that what I look like spending $50 on one piece of fruit!