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What is something you struggle with?

money management
parenting behavior issues
overthinking shit
and i'm hella moody
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I struggle with quite a few things.

One thing is after the apology. I don’t have a problem with apologizing or accepting apologies, I struggle with what to do after the apology I’ve received. Most times, I accept them and think “do I accept the apology and move on or do I accept the apology and go back to normal?”

So yea. I struggle with whether or not to continue with a person as a friend after an apology. What is worth moving past or what isn’t.
I hold grudges like a mf. If my cousin hadn’t got sick @AP21 still would’ve been on my shit list.
I too struggle with this. I can stay mad forever and ever and ever or just dismiss a person's existence once they do me wrong or cross me. I'm getting a little better every 2 years.
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I struggle with being spiteful. I have calmed down a whole lot but it’s times I feel that shit trying to ooze out. So I gotta talk to myself like a crazy person and say “Kendricka chill”
I too struggle with this. I can stay mad forever and ever and ever or just dismiss a person's existence once they do me wrong or cross me. I'm get a little better every 2 years.
We’ll see, what AP did pissed me off but at the same time it wasn’t major major. Now if you do some super foul shit towards me, I’m gonna hold that grudge because fuck them. You’ll never be forgiven.

Temper at times.

Toeing the line between carnal living vs fulfilling a personal spiritual journey.
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It's horrible to know yourself this well.
honestly you're right....

i blame myself for every bad thing that ever happened to me....

my wife, my mom, my friends, could yell to their face was blue that certain shit wasn't my fault, but i always see it as my fault, cuz i know what parts i played in everything.....

i'm very good with taking responsibility for shit i did, and shit i had nothing to do with....

fucking weight of the world on my shoulders at all time....

it can be extremely exhausting....

i don't know why i punish myself so much.....i try to be more light hearted..which is why i joke and smile so much,

i'm constantly trying to cheer myself up.... which i think i'm pretty good at.....cuz i'm always laughing.....

but i'm also careful...if i don't catch myself..i'll let a whole day by with not so much as cracking a smile
honestly you're right....

i blame myself for every bad thing that ever happened to me....

my wife, my mom, my friends, could yell to their face was blue that certain shit wasn't my fault, but i always see it as my fault, cuz i know what parts i played in everything.....

i'm very good with taking responsibility for shit i did, and shit i had nothing to do with....

fucking weight of the world on my shoulders at all time....

it can be extremely exhausting....

i don't know why i punish myself so much.....i try to be more light hearted..which is why i joke and smile so much,

i'm constantly trying to cheer myself up.... which i think i'm pretty good at.....cuz i'm always laughing.....

but i'm also careful...if i don't catch myself..i'll let a whole day by with not so much as cracking a smile

I feel you. The important part though is your family either doesn't agree or doesn't agree enough for it to matter...

When I stopped doing that shit to myself outwardly, they all started doing shady shit so I disassociated myself with them.
Not that internalizing it is any better... But now that they're gone I have less to internalize about
Anyway. I feel you. Feel for ya. Takes one to know one kinda thing.
Balancing spiritual gain and monetary gain
Procrastination but only because I believe things happen when they are supposed to.
Being more accepting of other people and their lifestyle
I use to suffer with Superman complex but I have learned I can’t safe the world and it is not my responsibility to help everyone all the time.
I'm realizing I'm very sensitive and things really be affecting me more than I let on
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I struggle with being the first generation of my family to learn fiscal responsibility.

I struggle with fidelity/sexuality.

I struggle with pursuing financial gains without contradicting/sacrificing my core beliefs.

I struggle with depression.
U a cheater bride... well howwwwDee