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What Happened to Canibus?

5 Grand

Old School Godfather
Circa 1997-2000 Canibus was one of the illest battle rap/mixtape MCs. His punchlines were deadly and many people thought he gave LL a run for his money.

The Canibus, NORE, DMX freestyle might be the best freestyle session I've ever heard.

Then, for some reason, he started writing rhymes with long words about scientific things.

His first album got mixed reviews but there were a few bangers on there. The second album, 2000BC was cool but it could have been better. Then he dropped a series of independent albums and basically faded off into the sunset.

Whatever happened to Canibus?
He lost a boxing match against a white dude and went to the army and he lost a battle to some white trash battle rapper.

So please Eminem and LL Cool J beef aint nothing lol
Nah but for real Canibus was one of the best lyricists of all time,he just couldn't pick good beats. LL won the war because he was more popular and backed by Def Jam.