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What Food Is Actually Trash But Has Good PR?

Chik Fil A

Get it to go nigga. (Boil Daddy nh on Pico was my shit.)
Make it yourself.
Have it delivered.

So many better options than that pig shit you talkin.
So you pick it up from boil daddy (lol) go home and then walk inside to the kitchen and then go like this


And proceed to still dump the shit on the table and eat it barehanded

lol I hear what you’re saying but in a general sense it’s ass bro you just are the exception
In and Out Burger. Was LEGIT confused why those fries tasted like play dough.

InnOut fries aren’t top tier on the “best fries list” but it’s very exaggerated as to how bad they are.

There’s a few issues I think that contribute to that but the main one is that they’re not processed as other fast food fries are. A place like McD has gone through years of food science to pinpoint the dopamine perfection of the fry.

The right potato, size, oil, added flavors and salt… to compare an In-N-Out fry to all those that are extremely overprocessed doesn’t make for a fair comparison.

There isn’t many places doing fresh fries on the spot. Hell, even doing them at home suck most of the time.

So when you compare a fry like In-N-Out to else where, it has to be on the level of similarity beyond “it’s a fried potato”. Who else is doing fresh fries that is comparable? Then that list makes sense.

It’s like comparing McD burgers to a fresh burger. Or Sushi way inland vs sushi that’s right on the beach. There’s going to be a difference due to processing and quality

A bit much of a post for InnOut fries but I like logic…
Eating overseasoned potatoes and small greasy corn cobs and shrimp and random crab legs barehanded off the table is trash bro

I like crab meat (pause) but all that shit is way too much work for too little reward

My girl will be like don't you want to go over to my parents for a seafood boil!!!???

Every time I'm just like

I like crab meat (pause) but all that shit is way too much work for too little reward
lol I say this all the time

Fingers getting tired, they covered in juice and butter, I spent 45 secs taking this crab meat out with the lil fork and then there’s some left inside the leg that’s sticking out so now I look stupid going like


Then you gotta keep doing that the entire meal that don’t even fill you up