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What does Trump's weird alliance with Russia mean for traditional liberals and conservatives?


I hate getting punched in the head
Some people may think this is just more stupidity from a man in another man's pocket. Perhaps they are right. However, underneath the shady money deals and other shenanigans, there is a weird transition happening.

The left, which has traditionally been supportive of socialist policies and ideologies associated with Russian and Soviet thinkers, has been very critical of Russian ties to the United States. At the same time, the conservative base that once called anything that criticized capitalism a communist affront on freedom is now more amiable to Russian ties. In a weird machiavellian way, the conservatives who once hated communists have now decided that the enemies of their enemies are their friends. What does this mean for the platforms and the associated ideas as we used to know them?
I just realized there's a politics subsection.... can this get moved?
Anyway, as I was alludin' to in the other thread, I think the major countries will move further toward social democracies. Nationalism is often manufactured by the state, people are becomin' less and less religious and conservative economic policies keep causin' recessions. But most importantly,in my opinion, it's become difficult for those with money to get poor people to vote to be worse off.

I hope Trump and Brexit is the beginnin' of the end of capitalism
Anyway, as I was alludin' to in the other thread, I think the major countries will move further toward social democracies. Nationalism is often manufactured by the state, people are becomin' less and less religious and conservative economic policies keep causin' recessions. But most importantly,in my opinion, it's become difficult for those with money to get poor people to vote to be worse off.

I hope Trump and Brexit is the beginnin' of the end of capitalism
Can't say I agree with this. Socialism is the way the rich and wealthy keep their power. It's keeps people from climbing any kind of social ladder. You're stuck where you are at born, which again...benefits the rich, and powerful.

No way I would have gone from where I grew up, to where I am today without an open access system. I'm old enough to still have had people openly be racist toward my business expansions(I work in tech). I was the only black person in my work arenas most of the time, and its capitalism where I was able to build up my professional career and business ventures, since I got shit done and made profits for my employers/clients. When we look at Black wealth in America, 99% of that wouldn't be there without capitalism. Latin America is filled with socialist nations and people flee them ind roves. South Africa went socialism after apartheid ended, and that shit hasn't helped at all.

Not saying captilism doesn't have issues, but I still take a system where my efforts and abilities are rewarded, over one that pigeon holes me into hoping the powers that be take care of me and my family. I don't get why people rep socialism.
One concern is that it could open the door for Russian, and other foreign, PMC's to be used against American citizens should shit pop off. It's an idea they used in the Russian-Afghan war some claim. Foreign contractors wouldn't care to uphold the constitution or moralize with people that are not their own. They'd kill on command as needed regardless of skin color. And as we all know white Americans on both sides of the racial issue can be too forgiving of each other. Trumps administration is connected to Academi, that education gal is the sister of Blackwaters founder, Prince (I forget his full name). Who's apparently connected to the Russians. Trump, Prince, and Russians had a meeting prior to winning his election.

But of course, take all that with a conspiracy hat on. "License To Kill" is a good book to read on Blackwater if you're interested.
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Can't say I agree with this. Socialism is the way the rich and wealthy keep their power. It's keeps people from climbing any kind of social ladder. You're stuck where you are at born, which again...benefits the rich, and powerful.

No way I would have gone from where I grew up, to where I am today without an open access system. I'm old enough to still have had people openly be racist toward my business expansions(I work in tech). I was the only black person in my work arenas most of the time, and its capitalism where I was able to build up my professional career and business ventures, since I got shit done and made profits for my employers/clients. When we look at Black wealth in America, 99% of that wouldn't be there without capitalism. Latin America is filled with socialist nations and people flee them ind roves. South Africa went socialism after apartheid ended, and that shit hasn't helped at all.

Not saying captilism doesn't have issues, but I still take a system where my efforts and abilities are rewarded, over one that pigeon holes me into hoping the powers that be take care of me and my family. I don't get why people rep socialism.

Shiiiiiit what capitalism you living in? That shit trash. Capitalism makes folks think poor people just dont work hard enough. Makes folks think being rich is destiny combined with hard work. Of course it aint all bad but overall its wack
Shiiiiiit what capitalism you living in? That shit trash. Capitalism makes folks think poor people just dont work hard enough. Makes folks think being rich is destiny combined with hard work. Of course it aint all bad but overall its wack
You do realize capitalism is the economic system where poor folk can actually can ahead, right? There's a reason why so many are breaking their backs to get to countries that run it. You think people are eating good in Cuba? Venezuela? South Africa? Greece?

Socialism is about having the government dictate shit to you. considering how public education, housing, law enforcement, works, healthcare, and everything else goes...why the hell would anyone want this? Black people always get the short end of that straw, always. Every damn thing that has screwed us over the last 50 years has been a public institution of some kind. I know its been said a million times, but we gotta go back to that Black Wall Street mentality. White America will NEVER put you above their own, and since we're 13% of America, socialism does nothing but harm.
You do realize capitalism is the economic system where poor folk can actually can ahead, right? There's a reason why so many are breaking their backs to get to countries that run it. You think people are eating good in Cuba? Venezuela? South Africa? Greece?

Socialism is about having the government dictate shit to you. considering how public education, housing, law enforcement, works, healthcare, and everything else goes...why the hell would anyone want this? Black people always get the short end of that straw, always. Every damn thing that has screwed us over the last 50 years has been a public institution of some kind. I know its been said a million times, but we gotta go back to that Black Wall Street mentality. White America will NEVER put you above their own, and since we're 13% of America, socialism does nothing but harm.

Or black socialism. All we think about is money bruh. Literally. Everything gone up except the pay. Our slavery was under capitalism and some more shit. Im not an expert on this tho