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OPINION What are some of your favorite Dark Documentaries?

Lou Cypher

The Tokin' White Guy
By dark mean the subject matter isnt necessarily happy or positive. The documentary may be able to end on a happy note, but for the most part the topic being documented isn't what many would call "Cheerful".

I understand a lot of people don't like having stuff like that thrown in their faces, but I love a good fucked up documentary. Something about it makes me just unable to stop watching. True Crime documentaries are huge these days too. I was hoping to look up some docs i may not have seen yet. Name off some of your favorite Dark documentaries. Maybe give a little backstory to them too. If they're available on one of the major streaming services, let folks know so they may look into it.

Capturing the Friedmans

Its currently available on hulu and i beleive amazon prime. Documentary is about about a family somewhere in New York i believe. The director was originally doing a short film on party clowns. While seeing different clowns he comes to find out one of these clowns has a father and younger brother convicted of child molestation. The family also has a huge archive of home videos. A lot of them taking place during the trial and a bit before. The way it was all presented was awesome but the longer it goes the sicker you feel about the people.


Dope Sick Love (HBO Max)

Documentary follows 2 different couples in New York. All 4 people struggle with addiction and you watch how these people live day to day, how they make their money, their health issues, and more. Its very sad what the people are willing to put themselves through.


God Knows Where I Am (Netflix)

Documentary is based off of these journals that were found in this couple summer home. At some point during the summer, a mentally ill woman had broken in and lived in the attic of the home and nobody knew about her despite there being neighbors that lived in the area year round. The woman lived without electricity or heat and survived off of apples that grew on the tree in the backyard. As the months went by, winter started to come and the woman eventually froze to death. Journaling everything. As the documentary continues you learn more about who she really was and some of her story for how she became that way.


Three Identical Strangers

This doc was fucking CRAZY. 3 Brothers (Identical Triplets) get put up for adoption. Instead of being placed in the same home, the adoption agency separates the children. They all grow up and begin college and miraculously find eachother. They all knew they were adopted but none of them knew why or who their birth parents were or none of that. After connecting they begin to look into who their parents were and why they were adopted and separated, and the reason for it happening is just fucking insane and i dont want to spoil it. Amazing doc though.

Will list more as i think of them gotta pretend to do some work real quick.
The Act of Killing


Documentary which challenges former Indonesian death-squad leaders to reenact their mass-killings in whichever cinematic genres they wish, including classic Hollywood crime scenarios and lavish musical numbers. Crazy doc.
^^Werner Herzog is one of my fav filmakers

Grizzly Man of course

Into the Inferno is my fav

Cave of Forgotton Dreams (less dark than other two)

On Netflix. Description. The criminal justice system tragically failed 16-year-old Kalief Browder, who spent three years in Rikers Island jail awaiting trial -- two of those years in solitary confinement -- after being arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack.
I’m still trying to figure out how dude finessed that whole family
View attachment 384858

this shit was unbelievable

scream laughed the whole time

dad just fruity as a bitch....."I thought I'd help the guy out....just being a good friend" lmfao

this dude literally found the slowest most broken, low self esteem ass family and fucked on all of em



This shit was chilly......the little girls smh....I knew he killed them but I never knew how


and this one fucked me up for a few days


The whole shit was emotional but I couldnt deal when they talked to his siblings. They had them kids living normal, sitting in the living room eating dinner while they KNEW their baby brother was starving in that fucking box. Going to school after seeing him get beat and fed cat litter. They even cleaned up his blood.

I had a couple dreams about being in that box mane, woke up crying. Shit was on my mind heavy. Imagining leaving school and knowing whats ahead for the night. And through all that the lil dude still loved his mama. Made a mothers day card for her with broken ribs, missing teeth, and a black eye.

I've never wanted to do harm so bad to somebody I've never met
this shit was unbelievable

scream laughed the whole time

dad just fruity as a bitch....."I thought I'd help the guy out....just being a good friend" lmfao

this dude literally found the slowest most broken, low self esteem ass family and fucked on all of em



This shit was chilly......the little girls smh....I knew he killed them but I never knew how


and this one fucked me up for a few days


The whole shit was emotional but I couldnt deal when they talked to his siblings. They had them kids living normal, sitting in the living room eating dinner while they KNEW their baby brother was starving in that fucking box. Going to school after seeing him get beat and fed cat litter. They even cleaned up his blood.

I had a couple dreams about being in that box mane, woke up crying. Shit was on my mind heavy. Imagining leaving school and knowing whats ahead for the night. And through all that the lil dude still loved his mama. Made a mothers day card for her with broken ribs, missing teeth, and a black eye.

I've never wanted to do harm so bad to somebody I've never met
Yeah man I was legit fucked up over this when the Dr was describing how he died and what they did to him.like I was legit fucked up for a week.

I know me and if I was to run into the dad/stepfather I don't think I could stop myself from harming dude
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The doc on Netflix about the young Hispanic kid made me cry I couldn't even finish it. The shit the parents did to him and how they killed made me so so angry and upset I cut the show off. Anyone who hurts kids need to be killed immediately IMO
This. I was up late watching this and legit bawled when they showed his pictures. Fucked me up for quite awhile. Like how could they do that to that baby! I’m not really religious but I really hope they burn in hell for what they did and get tortured in prison for the rest of their lives

A documentary about how these predatory catholic priests preyed on deaf children at a school for the deaf


This legit one of the weirdest documentaries I have ever watched....These people basically tried to do a bank robbery that can only be described as a B movie plot
Yeah man I was legit fucked up over this when the Dr was describing how he died and what they did to him.like I was legit fucked up for a week.

I know me and if I was to run into the dad/stepfather I don't think I could stop myself from harming dude

This. I was up late watching this and legit bawled when they showed his pictures. Fucked me up for quite awhile. Like how could they do that to that baby! I’m not really religious but I really hope they burn in hell for what they did and get tortured in prison for the rest of their lives

i ended up gettin wrapped in the story and searching all over for more into...the mama supposedly got attacked after the doc came out

Isauro on death row....prolly gettin fat af and reading oliver twist

why cant the trigger happy cops go find these type of people?.....they can still do their thing, sprinkle some crack on em, and nobody will bat an eye

they woulda been all in their business behind some dope traffic tho

it's still fucked up all around
The doc on Netflix about the young Hispanic kid made me cry I couldn't even finish it. The shit the parents did to him and how they killed made me so so angry and upset I cut the show off. Anyone who hurts kids need to be killed immediately IMO

My wife was angrily crying when she was telling me about it. She had already started watching it and wasn’t finish yet. She was mad. I knew I was gonna be pissed off before I even watched it.