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Waka Flocka “Black & White People only exist in America”

...lol Blackness and Whiteness is pretty damn universal around the world.

Any any country with non-Blacks and Black people, Black people are at the bottom. Blackness isn't about culture or race or ethnicity, it's designation of who gets to be abused and neglected and who doesn't. The "At least I am not Black" rule exists everywhere. Being White means someone gets treated to the exception.

People's idea of racism as a virulent, aggressive, hatred, burning a cross on your lawn has blinded them to the absolute societal neglect that Black people face, that allows the brand of virulent racism.

Lol and Black Americans will not face that much in your face racism abroad because there are native born or immigrant Black groups that the native populace already hates...like Nigerians or Jamaicans..who are everywhere.

There's this "You are Black but not like them" mentality that countries have. Same people that practically lynchs Black immigrants will be the same people that smile in your face lol.

Then these motherfuckers report back, "Racism isn't everywhere, race isn't everywhere" and I am like, did you go to where the Black people are at lol. Go to the hoods and ghettoes and come back and say that shit.
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I was TikTok and this guy from South Korea was just exposing how that country really treat black folks and it was crazy. Im talking about simple shit like the club scene was even racist. I went down a crazy rabbit hole with that.

So I disagree with Waka
...lol Blackness and Whiteness is pretty damn universal around the world.

Any any country with non-Blacks and Black people, Black people are at the bottom. Blackness isn't about culture or race or ethnicity, it's designation of who gets to be abused and neglected and who doesn't. The "At least I am not Black" rule exists everywhere. Being White means someone gets treated to the exception.

People's idea of racism as a virulent, aggressive, hatred, burning a cross on your lawn has blinded them to the absolute societal neglect that Black people face, that allows the brand of virulent racism.

Lol and Black Americans will not face that much in your face racism abroad because there are native born or immigrant Black groups that the native populace already hates...like Nigerians or Jamaicans..who are everywhere.

There's this "You are Black but not like them" mentality that countries have. Same people that practically lynchs Black immigrants will be the same people that smile in your face lol.

Then these motherfuckers report back, "Racism isn't everywhere, race isn't the everywhere" and I am like, did you go to where the Black people are at lol. Go to the hoods and ghettoes and come back and say that shit.

If you're going to non-black foreign countries with black hoods and ghettoes, then you're most likely in a country that took some part in the slave trade or colonization, so of course you're going to see a similar perception of Black people there as in America. However, there are lots of countries in the world where there are next to no black people, and the entire perception about black people there is second hand shit.

I'm not saying there's no racism in those places, but it's not as ingrained and usually falls away pretty quickly when people actually encounter real black people. Anti-blackness exists throughout the world. That's true, but it's not the same thing as what we see in America on a day to day basis.
Yes countries outside of the US view race and ethnicity differently than Americans. That in no way means racism doesn't happen or that there aren't clear separations of race. Was listening to Math Hoffa podcast with Yayo and Yayo kept going on and on about how there's no racism in Europe because he was staying in expensive hotels and I just kept thinking "he sounds like a fucking idiot".
Yes countries outside of the US view race and ethnicity differently than Americans. That in no way means racism doesn't happen or that there aren't clear separations of race. Was listening to Math Hoffa podcast with Yayo and Yayo kept going on and on about how there's no racism in Europe because he was staying in expensive hotels and I just kept thinking "he sounds like a fucking idiot".

True, I ain't saying that those concepts don't exist. I'm saying they aren't universal, as in what's considered white or black or how whites and blacks are treated isn't always the same from place to place. It depends where you're at.
I’ve lived ( almost 6 total years) abroad and traveled extensively throughout my life. The only continent I haven’t been to is Antarctica……..

I say all that to say this…………….

everywhere is more similar than different than many choose to believe. There is classism, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. everywhere. Some places are just more overt than others.
If you're going to non-black foreign countries with black hoods and ghettoes, then you're most likely in a country that took some part in the slave trade or colonization, so of course you're going to see a similar perception of Black people there as in America. However, there are lots of countries in the world where there are next to no black people, and the entire perception about black people there is second hand shit.

I'm not saying there's no racism in those places, but it's not as ingrained and usually falls away pretty quickly when people actually encounter real black people. Anti-blackness exists throughout the world. That's true, but it's not the same thing as what we see in America on a day to day basis.

You are not gonna experience racism the same way as a native born Black person in that country would, there's Black people everywhere. And every Western country heavily dealt in the slave trade. There's slaves that ended up in Asia and Russia.

Most of America isn't even that openly racist in 2022.

The thing about America is that there's an open market of race baiting and glamourization and fetishism and racism so people will see shit like police shootings of Black people, hear about vigilante killings on TV, see racist freakouts on Reddit.

They do the same shit every where, America just broadcasts it. You can ask any White bread White American in Montana if America is a racist violent country and they will say no because that's not what they see on an every day basis.

Shit, you can pluck any middle class aspiring Black American that grew up in the suburbs of Dallas or Atlanta and ask if they experienced open racism most they will tell you no. They never been called a nigger, they never got jumped and beat up on White boys for being Black. Shit, you ask most Americans, they probably think being a racist is a top five worst thing you can be.

Most Black people in the metro areas of Dallas, Houston, DC, Atlanta and etc live like regular ass White people, but broke and indebted, in their McMansions, working their 60K a year job. They aren't walking around, scared of the Whites.

Most of the ardent racism that anyone will face is in the ghettoes and the hoods of America, where people are vulnerable and disposable. That's the same in any country.

As a tourist, you not going to a ghetto and people know you ain't from there. You go to Italy. You are an American first, they don't hate American Blacks, they barely see one, they hate the Nigerian who peddles counterfeit luxury goods and sell drugs.

America just has a long history of being super racist and us Black Americans are born and bred here, so of course anywhere else seems different because the historical baggage and legacy isn't the same.

But you can ask an Italian Nigerian, how racist Italy is and they'll have a different story. You ask a Japanese Black person how racist it is, they have a different story. These people have a connection to the country that we don't have.

Lol, like Black immigrants come to America looking for an opportunity, a country that enslaved and raped people that looked like them for hundreds of years, you think they experience America and see it the same way...no. White people know the difference between a motherfucker with the last name Johnson and the last name Adebayo.

So it's funny seeing Black Americans who go to different countries that are clearly racist as hell, just as bad as America...and say racism is different, when in reality, they are an outsider. They don't how hard it is to get a job, how hard it is to get into a good school, to secure housing.

They just go off that people treat them nice and I'm like people treat you nice in America and you say it's the most racist country ever lol.
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You are not gonna experience racism the same way as a native born Black person in that country would, there's Black people everywhere. And every Western country heavily dealt in the slave trade. There's slaves that ended up in Asia...and Russia.

Most of America isn't even that openly racist in 2022.

The thing about America is that there's an open market race baiting and glamourization and fetishism and racism so people will see shit like police shootings of Black people, hear about vigilante killings on TV, see racist freakouts on Reddit...

They do the same shit every where. And you can ask any White bread White American in Montana if America is a racist violent country and they will say no because that's not what they see on an every day basis.

Shit, you can pluck any middle class aspiring Black American that grew up in the suburbs of Dallas or Atlanta and ask if they experienced open racism most they will tell you no. They never been pulled over for bullshit, they never been called a nigger, they never got jumped and beat up on White boys...

Most Black people in the metro areas of Dallas, Houston, DC, Atlanta live like regular ass White people, but broke and indebted, in their McMansions, working their 60K a year job.

Most of the ardent racism that anyone will face is in the ghettoes and the hoods of America, where people are vulnerable and disposable. That's the same in any country.

As a tourist, you not going to a ghetto and people know you ain't from there. You go to Italy. You are an American first, they don't hate American Blacks, they barely see one, they hate the Nigerian who peddles counterfeit luxury goods.

America just has a long history of being super racist and us Black Americans are born and bred here, so of course anywhere else seems different because the historical baggage and legacy.

But you can ask an Italian Nigerian, how racist Italy is and they'll have a different story. You ask a Japanese Black person how racist it is, they have a different story. These people have a connection to the country that we don't have.

Lol, like Black immigrants come to America looking for an opportunity, a country that enslaved and raped people that looked like them for hundreds of years, you think they experience America and see it the same way...no.

So it's funny seeing Black Americans who go to different countries that are clearly racist as hell, just as bad as America...and say racism is different, when in reality, they are an outsider. They don't how hard it is to get a job, how hard it is in school, to secure housing.

They just go off that people treat them nice and I'm like people treat you nice in America and you say it's the most racist country ever lol.

I feel what you're saying, but I'm not basing my opinion on tourism commentary. I'm basing my opinion on conversations I've had with people who have actually lived abroad.

Like someone brought up Korea. I know about half a dozen black people who lived years in Korea and did everything you're talking about. Every single one of them says the same thing. They encountered racism, but it's not like in America. What they typically meant is that their blackness wasn't something that they had to deal with being perceived as a negative on a daily basis. Additionally, when they were mistreated, 9 times out of 10 it turned out to be because they were foreigners and not because they were black.

Even when talking about visiting a country, it's not just about people being nice. When I went to Australia, I was there for 2 weeks and only saw like 1 or 2 other black people the entire time I was there. What I found crazy wasn't that people were nice to me. It was that people didn't give a shit one way or the other. It wasn't like in America where if you find yourself in some mostly white area, all eyes will be on you no matter what you're doing or where you go like they are just waiting for you to do something wrong so they can pounce. Over there, I was just a person going about my business and nobody cared. That shit sounds trivial when you read it on here, but I'm telling you it's not. It's something that jumps out at you immediately.
I was TikTok and this guy from South Korea was just exposing how that country really treat black folks and it was crazy. Im talking about simple shit like the club scene was even racist. I went down a crazy rabbit hole with that.

So I disagree with Waka
Yup, there has been a pretty large migration with black folks (some I know personally) that been moving to Japan and they all mentioned that they are treated differently
Yup, there has been a pretty large migration with black folks (some I know personally) that been moving to Japan and they all mentioned that they are treated differently

I Lived in Japan for almost 6 years and it most definitely has issues with foreign people and black folks in general.

The issues are there, but most of the time it’s a bit different than what we encounter in the United States of America. Places like Japan aren’t as diverse when it comes to the different types of people so their view on foreign folks is skewed due to that. A lot of them most definitely view us from the viewpoint of western media, which in some ways is good and some ways is bad.

I do think some people take Japanese only or no foreigner spots as being racist, when the establishment rules might not necessarily be based in race and more based on culture of being secretive or guarded with sharing certain aspects of their beliefs and ways. Of course, I say all that to say this…. Some of those assholes just don’t like anything different than them. Lmao.

I loved Japan and wouldn’t mind moving back one day.
I Lived in Japan for almost 6 years and it most definitely has issues with foreign people and black folks in general.

The issues are there, but most of the time it’s a bit different than what we encounter in the United States of America. Places like Japan aren’t as diverse when it comes to the different types of people so their view on foreign folks is skewed due to that. A lot of them most definitely view us from the viewpoint of western media, which in some ways is good and some ways is bad.

I do think some people take Japanese only or no foreigner spots as being racist, when the establishment rules might not necessarily be based in race and more based on culture of being secretive or guarded with sharing certain aspects of their beliefs and ways. Of course, I say all that to say this…. Some of those assholes just don’t like anything different than them. Lmao.

I loved Japan and wouldn’t mind moving back one day.
Dope! How was your dating life there? Always been curious how black people date in foreign countries
Lol without typing them titans this dude wrong AF!

I see how he probably got confused I have traveled with 2 different passports and got treated differently with the first world one.

These rich motherfuckers gotta stop acting like their experience are gonna be everyone else's. Sigh 🤦🏽‍♂️