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U.S. youth suicides up after Netflix show, cause unclear


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Suicides by young Americans rose by nearly a third in the month following the 2017 debut of popular Netflix television drama series "13 Reasons Why," in which a teenage girl kills herself, a U.S. study showed on Monday.

The researchers said the study had limitations and they could not make a direct causal link between "13 Reasons Why" and the increase in suicide rates or rule out other factors. Another, previous study had found watching the program was associated with a reduced risk of self-harm for some young adults.

The rate of suicide in April 2017 was 28.9 percent higher among U.S. youth ages 10 to 17 than would be expected based on suicide counts and trends observed in previous years, the National Institutes of Health-supported (NIH) study said on Monday.

It found rates of suicide for 10- to 17-year-olds were also higher in the rest of the year, resulting in an additional estimated 195 suicide deaths from April to December 2017 versus expectations based on past data. The increase was driven primarily by young boys, they said.

A Netflix spokesman said the company had just seen the study and was reviewing it.

"It's a critically important topic, and we have worked hard to ensure that we handle this sensitive issue responsibly," the Netflix spokesman said.

The spokesman also said the research conflicted with a recent finding by a team at the University of Pennsylvania.

In a survey of 18- to 29-year-olds, the Pennsylvania researchers found students who watched all of season two of "13 Reasons Why" were less likely to report self-harm and suicidal thoughts than others who did not watch the series at all.

The show tells the story of a teen who leaves behind a series of 13 tapes describing why she decided to take her own life. The first season's final episode depicted her slitting her wrists in a bathtub.

The graphic scene caused a backlash among parents and health professionals, prompting Netflix in 2017 to put up additional viewer warnings and direct viewers to support groups.

A second season was released in May 2018 and a third season has been ordered by Netflix.

Chief Executive Reed Hastings defended the third season renewal at a shareholder meeting in June 2018.

"'13 Reasons Why' has been enormously popular and successful. It's engaging content. It is controversial. But nobody has to watch it," Hastings said.

The NIH-backed researchers said their findings "should serve as a reminder to be mindful of the possible unintended impacts of the portrayal of suicide, and as a call to the entertainment industry and the media to use best practices when engaging with this topic."

The study was conducted at several universities, hospitals, and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), part of the U.S. government's National Institutes of Health. NIMH also funded the study.
I mean...duh. For years now the media has lowkey been glorifying suicide. This whole show is on how a girl by her own account had a rough time in school, then justified her killing herself. Its also been saying "if x happens to you, your gunna have to kill yourself".
Still haven't watched this. Niggas effectively ruined the experience of this and narcos for me by talking too much about the shows with no filter so I've never bothered.
It's almost as if social media and tv are mind control experiments. These kids are super impressionable....but so were we. So was every other generation. And why are we so obsessed with violence and death?

Let's really think a bout this. We're watching shows about teens killing themselves. Who are the sickos here, the people influenced, or the entertained?

Granted this is all coming from a nigga that murked half the universe, but that was different
Look at the attention and the glorification the person gets after suicide. Although they’re dead, they’re seeking that validation. So, in death, they know they will get that and they commit that.
It's almost as if social media and tv are mind control experiments. These kids are super impressionable....but so were we. So was every other generation. And why are we so obsessed with violence and death?

Let's really think a bout this. We're watching shows about teens killing themselves. Who are the sickos here, the people influenced, or the entertained?

Granted this is all coming from a nigga that murked half the universe, but that was different

Bro we weren't this bad
Make a show about suicide as a payback and watch the numbers spike even more. Humans are mimicks, we copy everything we see.
Funny thing is... These kids kill themselves cause they emulate a tv, thinking their suicide will leave a mark on the world, when in actuality all people are going to talk about is the TV show... And how easily influenced that kid was by a damn TV show.

So essentially their suicide becomes a joke.