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Poll Top 5: Steven Spielberg films

Pick top 5 flicks

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.2.Jurassic Park
3.Indiana Jones
5. Color Purple but I might could switch it with Schindlers List

Jaws to me is his holy grail followed by JP.
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Indiana Jones
Jurassic Park
The Color Purple
Empire of the Sun
Catch Me if You Can
Ready player one (come on niggas)
Color purple
Jurassic park
Schindler's list
Saving Private Ryan

Shout out to minority report and munich. IDC.
Jurassic Park
Minority Report
Catch Me If You Can
The Terminal
Indiana Jones
I havent seen most his shits.

Is Jaws gonna hold up in 2019 bcuz that shit was already old af when i was a kid thats why i never watched it.

And i checked out Close Encounters last year and that does NOT hold up.
I dont know anything about indiana jobes except Han Solo plays him and he has a hat.

Would u guys classify Indiana Jones as quality cinema or more like them comic book shits?