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This Ain’t Random Enough

I’ll even go another level …all of the songs that “hit” in the beef that Kendrick had with Drake. Were songs that were in retaliation
Crazy how your mind can go auto pilot while driving. Sometimes, on my way to work, I zone out and just be thinking bout something that was heavy on my mind. By the time I'm done thinking, I'm mear work. That is like a 40min -1hr drive. I'm fully aware of other cars but I'm not thinking bout them

This only happens when I'm on a very familiar route. If I don't know the way, then I'm fully alert
I actually used to do that when I was like 19-20

Then I got a job as a bouncer... They needed me to be on their side 😭
any of yall ever had issues with burn-in on an OLED tv? 👀
I've read they're rare now. My impression is you'd need to keep the stilled pic on the screen for a longer time than you did for plasma. Mine uses a screensaver. Though the clock is constant
I've read they're rare now. My impression is you'd need to keep the stilled pic on the screen for a longer time than you did for plasma. Mine uses a screensaver. Though the clock is constant
im noticing slight burn-in on mine. Theres like a clean pixel function ima try a few times to see if that helps