Lou Cypher
The Tokin' White Guy
Hey everyone, I couldn't help but notice there has been a decent amount of hostility on the board lately between different members.
Sometimes when we don't communicate, we bottle up our emotions and all of that pressure builds up until it eventually explodes. Some members of the board are very sensitive and cant take that amount of hateful energy all at once and then they leave. I think in order to avoid that, we should let the negative energy out in little bits and pieces so that it doesnt transform into a volcano of hatred.
So this is the Zinger Thread. If you don't know what a zinger is, you're a fucking faggot.
In this thread, just post a line or two directed at somebody you've been having an issue with and blow off a little bit of steam before it turns into something it doesnt have to.
Only rules are no racism! Gay jokes, tranny jokes, dead relative jokes, all fair game. God help you if you do a race joke though. Maybe don't talk about someones kids either though, regardless of how ugly the kid is.
Happy Zinging Everyone!
Sometimes when we don't communicate, we bottle up our emotions and all of that pressure builds up until it eventually explodes. Some members of the board are very sensitive and cant take that amount of hateful energy all at once and then they leave. I think in order to avoid that, we should let the negative energy out in little bits and pieces so that it doesnt transform into a volcano of hatred.
So this is the Zinger Thread. If you don't know what a zinger is, you're a fucking faggot.
In this thread, just post a line or two directed at somebody you've been having an issue with and blow off a little bit of steam before it turns into something it doesnt have to.
Only rules are no racism! Gay jokes, tranny jokes, dead relative jokes, all fair game. God help you if you do a race joke though. Maybe don't talk about someones kids either though, regardless of how ugly the kid is.
Happy Zinging Everyone!