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CDPR lied to us about Witcher 4 being an original witcher protag when people were asking for Ciri, ended up being a pump fake and they were going with her.

Im glad. They gonna have to explain how she went through the trials and can use potions
I take it I should play Witcher 3 before this?
I don't think its mandatory but I will say this, I picked it up on a whim not knowing anything about the series. It is one of the single greatest gaming experiences I've had. The combat is awesome, the narrative is intriguing and visually, the game is beautiful.
Couldn't find a witcher 3 thread. The game was free so I started it up. Didn't realize how messed up my analogue stick is. I guess the controls are more sensitive then the other games I've played

Trying to get the combat down. Haven't really used the signs or whatever they're called. The little mini card game was annoying lol