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The Stream Hustle


Dont drank out my drank, foo
forgive me if there's a thread already

but I wanted to get some understanding on how streaming works for the artists today...anything info on it is good

are they winning? are they losing?

how does the stream game effect the indies as opposed to majors?

noticed any trends or tactics lately?

what piece of this do the phone/data/app companies get?

two things that got me thinking about it today

1. I've purchased/dl'd more EP's this year then I have in my life...cant be a coincidence....just cant be

2. I've ACCIDENTALLY purchased/dl'd the clean versions of hip hop albums many times....why are they still making those?

Vince, Krit, and Spitta have recently dropped EP's with SOLID singles on them.....like, shit that would normally be saved for an album....are they teasing or hustling at this point?

for one, I swear i've never seen so many EP's from relevant artitsts in one time frame.....but then i got to thinking....if streams equal albums sales then this shit is genius.....the KRIT EP is 3 songs....I listened to the whole thing 20 times in one day.....whereas with his last album, you had a slow day if you listened to the whole thing once

i could be wrong, but it seems like somebody figured out the cheat code to run the numbers up....KRIT being full indy now, im not mad at all.....I'll put that shit on repeat while I sleep

as for the edited albums....i understand why Nelly and Em drop clean version albums....but I accidentally got clean versions of Stay Dangerous, the new Z-Ro, Oxnard, and some other shit...just not paying attention I guess....anyway when I notice, im like damn....delete that and then dl the dirty one.......did I just buy the album twice as far as their numbers go? why is that shit even mixed in with the regular albums? are people really buying a Z-RO album for the kids in 2018????? OR is this mistake i made common, and noticed by someone in the industry?

two hooks on the line is better than one, right?

ya'll can tell me to shut up if im completely off
Nigga wrote all that shit....

Just to be ignored...

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