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Video The Story of “Thong Song” by Sisqó

Sisqo became a superstar with this song. Then he fell off big time. His career went down faster than a hooker on sunset.
I remember I was home sick from school and just watching mtv music videos real early one morning. Mom came and sat down and just bullshitted with me before she went to work. I think I was maybe 9 or 10. Sisqo thong song came on and I was like wtf is a thong? Found out real quick. Mom sat there the entire video and shit was mad awkward. Became a big fan of women in thong underwear tho.
He used it in the chorus

more like the pre-chorus if you wanna get technical, but the main point still stands - The song and it's chorus aren't based around that line. The song is still a hit even if you change the line to something else. imo that means the songwriters for ricky martin shouldn't be getting that big of a slice.

more like the pre-chorus if you wanna get technical, but the main point still stands - The song and it's chorus aren't based around that line. The song is still a hit even if you change the line to something else. imo that means the songwriters for ricky martin shouldn't be getting that big of a slice.

Yeah but the problem was that they already released the song and video. The album was in stores and was the number one selling record. Ricky Martin's lawyers could have filed a cease and desist order to make the radio stations stop playing Thong Song, make MTV and BET stop playing the video and have the record, tape and CD removed from retail stores. It's a gamble but a judge might have agreed with Ricky Martin's lawyers if that happened.

The same thing happened with Planet Rock by Afrika Bambaattaa and It Takes Two by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock. Both songs borrowed heavily from another song, which wouldn't have been a problem if they cleared the sample/interpolation before the song was released. But both songs blew up to be top 40 hits. Those songs were getting played all across America, selling like hotcakes, and they didn't clear the licensing. In the end the original artists ended up with the majority of the royalties. Afrika Bambaattaa doesn't get paid when he performs Planet Rock and Rob Base doesn't get paid when he performs It Takes Two (or if they do get paid it's pennies compared to what they would have made if they took care of business before releasing the songs.)

In the end it's best to clear everything before you release the song, because once the song gets released you have no leverage in the negotiations because the other party can file a cease and desist and put you out of business. That's what happened to Biz Markie.
damn, I thought it was going to be a lawsuit from the beatles interpolation. but a lawsuit over the livin la vida loca line? and they own more of the song than anyone else who contributed to the song?

Fam someone definitely dropped the ball. I was tryna think whose fault it was but it was prolly a collective chokin'