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Breaking News Supreme Court appears open to ending affirmative action in college admissions

Let's not act like the majority of the Black applicants to these Ivy League institutions are not immigrant legacy kids or rich kids.

Looking at you Obama. His father went to Harvard.

Looking at you Roxane Gay. Her father was a Haitian construction business magnate.

Go see how many Black people in the elite institutions are native born Americans, it's damn near non-existent.

Affirmative Action was intended to correct the harms of slavery in America, that native Black Americans went through.

But since we got brain rotted liberals, and the Black elite follows behind liberals, it went to everybody. The same with birthright citizenship, which was intended to give slaves and the children of slaves equal citizenships to the Whites. Instead it created a damn free for all for everyone to come here.

This is the problem with Black politics. Black politics is a tool to give everyone, no matter where they came from, their political history, or their social background an equal right to the riches of America that Black Americans toiled and sacrificed for.

Liberals just want more liberals, why not let whoever have access to the height of American power via the suffering of the slaves. That's what America is all about. Exploiting slavery for the benefit of everyone but the actual slaves and their descendants.

The indifference to socio-economic backgrounds and political history of peoples is the downfall for left. They can put on a good act and act like they care, but they treat everyone Non-White and non-male and non-heterosexual the fucking same and we are not the same.

I hope they overturn every single policy that Americans slaves suffered for and we can start with reparations for the descendants of American slavery at ground zero. Everyone else gotta struggle on their own shit. I don't give a fuck, if it didn't happen in America or directly caused by America it don't fucking count. You gotta prove why you deserve preferential treatment, not just because you are Black or an immigrant or a woman. Black Americans deserve that shit off rip. If you came this bitch voluntarily, America must not be that fucking bad. You don't deserve shit.

Right now it is:

If you are Black, Yellow or Brown, don't frown, we got niggas around. Female or male, watch out, niggas will tell. Straight or gay, the niggas gotta pay.
Lol, looks like we might got back to Reconstruction era politics and fuck all this We Are the World diversity bullshit if conservatives get their way.

And I am here for it. If a conservative Supreme Court decides that Affirmation Action needs to be repealed to it's original intent, I might vote Republican for the rest of my life.

They might actually understand what and who Black Americans are more than the Democrats.

They bringing up the Civil Rights Act of 1886 and the 14th Amendment and who it was actually for.

These White conservatives are using Reconstruction law to strip away all these benefits that motherfuckers got and never deserved.

If this goes through and the alleged allies of Black Americans will go mask off. All the fucking White liberal feminist, that bullshit POC coalition. All of that shit is gonna go away.

I'ma fucking dance in the streets when them crackers get up there and say that default race based considerations is illegal and everything will go back to it's original intent to remedy the ills of slavery.

Lol because what's Affirmative Action and these Civil Rights Act done for the descendants of slaves.

Y'all looked at the wealth gap lately? Y'all looked at the education gap? Whats our reason to keep laws that help our got damn competitors.

Repeal it and put it back to it's original intent and watch Asian ladies not wanting to do your feet no more. Yo White home girl blocking your number. Ahmed and them not letting you in their stores to buy a swisha and a lottery ticket.

I'ma love it. They gonna say it's not fair and I'ma spit in they face. I might actually donate my money to a college fund or some shit lol.