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Sunday church goers answer this question.

If yo pastor a real one, he'll have church earlier cause he know everybody wanna get home to watch the saints.
Word, I get to church late around 11, and expect to be home by 1....

I know some of them get there at like 8-9... Sunday school, n all that.. Official service starts at 1030....... But I'm walking in around 11
When I did go to church my church had an early 830 service I'd go to that so I could be home in time to watch football
One of the things that got me going again is that our pastor don't be up there long. We in at 10 and out by 11:45 - 12.

Sometimes even earlier
Grew up in church, me and moms would wake up 7a get ready leave the house at around 9a to go to her home church about 30min away. Stop and pick my grandma up around 930ish. Get to the church 945a-10a, walk in wouldn't leave out till about 1145 for first service. Then walk up to my great grandma's house get sunday brunch. Walk back to the church at 1230 for 2nd service in there till about 2-230. Then we would clean the church up and have it ready for next sunday till about 3-330. Then walk back up to my great grandma's eat Sunday dinner. Take my grandma and great grand to the grocery store to get whatever they need. Drop great grand off around 430-5. Take my grandma home stay till about 6-630 then we would get home around 7p mom make my heathen daddy dinner and then bed around 9p

said all that to say to damn long
Depends on if you wanna go to morning service.

If so, you lookin' at about 3+ hours. If not, 1-2 hours.

And what's the point of going these days anyway??