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(Stolen) does this current coronavirus climate make you change your wants and desires in life?


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Simple question.
Has this made you rethink certain things in life?
What changes do you plan on making?
Simple question.
Has this made you rethink certain things in life?
What changes do you plan on making?
Cool thread as I thought about this before. Like these times where life is different and we must establish a new normalcy do we reprioritize certain things in our life?

I don’t know what changes yet but it does help show me that I could be more prepared for things in the future as far as supplies and have more foresight.
Been kinda isolated from family and friends over the years. Can't keep going on like that. Just found out that my grandmother's sister-in-law just died last week. Me and my sister used to spend summers at their crib with our cousin they were raising (their granddaughter). Haven't seen that cousin in yeeears either and the three of us used to be extremely close. Shit is fuckin' with me, especially now that I found out the homie from birth is laid up in the hospital sick as fuck, possibly with covid-19. Gotta start reaching out to my family and old friends and keeping up with everybody 'cause the last thing I need is another phone call like I got today.
Although, I was already health conscious but this incident made me more health conscious. I've been doing deep research on remedies and have to increase the quality of your internal body. Not only do the research for myself but for my family and friends as well.
Wanna move out to the country even more now.

Been wanting to learn how to hunt wanna do it even more now along with fishing. I’m trash at that
Wanna move out to the country even more now.

Been wanting to learn how to hunt wanna do it even more now along with fishing. I’m trash at that

damn. I've been fishing since I was a yute. Always took it for granted that folks took their kids out with a rod and reel. While we were in AZ we all had our own fishing rods and would walk over to the lake to see what we could catch.
Only thing I added is washing my hands 5 more times and carry more lotion to combat dry hands..
The one thing I hope happens is that people will be allowed to actually stay home and get over an illness. We have so many people that come to work sick with all sorts of shit and spread their germs everywhere.
Nope I've noticed less people around is less annoying. I'm also seeing I can probably hold it down for me and mine in an apocalypse against the fuckshit. I need trump, illuminati, thanos or whoever to get it over with. We'll be okay.
Single with no kids, job is deemed "essential"...nothing about my life changed.

I need to save more and be more thoughtful about hitting ppl up, but other than that ehhh.