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Stockton Serial Killer Arrested

Local authorities in Stockton, California, strongly believe that they have a serial killer in their midst, and the focus on his criminal activity appears to be the male demographic. Thus far, the police have secured a fair amount of leads, ruling out gang activity in the process while also determining that the assailant does not target his victims based on race or age. Instead, he tends to stalk men who are walking alone at night before closing in on his kill and gunning them down. There is a growing belief that these murders began back in 2021, with the most recent slaying last Tuesday. Overall, six murders have been tied to the 'Stockton Serial Killer.' Although many of his victims were slain in Stockton, the killer has also been linked to murders in major Bay Area locations such as Oakland and San Francisco. As the victims continue to pile, the assailant remains on the loose and one step ahead of law enforcement.

“We have a series of homicides that we believe are interconnected,” he said. “By definition, you could probably very well call this serial killings," said Stockton police Chief Stanley McFadden.

Shortly thereafter, McFadden released a statement encouraging the public to take more of an active role in bringing the suspect to justice.

"Our detectives and task force officers have been working around the clock on these investigations...We are committed to protecting our community and solving these cases utilizing all the resources at our disposal, including YOU. We need YOUR help!!!! If anyone has information regarding these investigations, call us immediately. Please remember our victims have grieving family members who need resolution.”
He's Black???

A significant percentage of serial killers are Black. Black serial killers aren't an uncommon thing.

The fucked up thing is law enforcement doesn't care about Black people enough to investigate missing or indiscriminately murdered Black folks.

They'll come around to investigate shit like gang murders, drug trafficking...

But a missing Black person, nah. An indiscriminately murdered Black person, nah.

I see those missing people posters at Wal-Mart, a lot of them are young Black people.

Most those people are most likely dead, killed by a Black serial killer.

So when Black folks be like, yeah we don't serial kill and serial rape, all those "White people crimes", I'm like yeah we do. It's just that White people are obsessed and fascinated by their own depravity and the idea of this cold killing machine because that's what they are as a collective. We are obsessed with our depravity as well, but we are obsessed with the drug kingpin and the gang banger.

We got serial killers stalking our neighborhoods and disappearing people but White people acknowledging that threatens their sense of superiority and only racist White people use that as a gotcha. Being a serial killer to them is some mastermind shit. Just like we won't acknowledge White gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood or Hell's Angels be thorough gangsters, since we think it takes a certain level of street smarts we assume White people don't have due to their overall wealth as a population.

America is obsessed with violence and criminality and like everything in America, it's racialized and glamourized through marketing channels and media
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A significant percentage of serial killers are Black. Black serial killers aren't an uncommon thing.

The fucked up thing is law enforcement doesn't care about Black people enough to investigate missing or indiscriminately murdered Black folks.

They'll come around to investigate shit like gang murders, drug trafficking...

But a missing Black person, nah. An indiscriminately murdered Black person, nah.

I see those missing people posters at Wal-Mart, a lot of them are young Black people.

Most those people are most likely dead, killed by a Black serial killer.

So when Black folks be like, yeah we don't serial kill and serial rape, all those "White people", I'm like yeah we do. It's just that White people are obsessed and fascinated by their own depravity and the idea of this cold killing machine because that's what they are as a collective. We are obsessed with our depravity as well, but we are obsessed with the drug kingpins and the gang banger.

We got serial killers stalking our neighborhoods and disappearing people but White people acknowledging that threatens their sense of superiority. Being a serial killer to them is some mastermind shit. Just like we won't acknowledge White gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood or Hell's Angels be thorough gangsters, since we think it takes a certain level of street smarts we assume White people don't have due to their overall wealth as a population.

America is obsessed with violence and criminality and like everything in America, it's racialized and glamourized through marketing channels and media

A significant percentage of serial killers are Black. Black serial killers aren't an uncommon thing.

The fucked up thing is law enforcement doesn't care about Black people enough to investigate missing or indiscriminately murdered Black folks.

They'll come around to investigate shit like gang murders, drug trafficking...

But a missing Black person, nah. An indiscriminately murdered Black person, nah.

I see those missing people posters at Wal-Mart, a lot of them are young Black people.

Most those people are most likely dead, killed by a Black serial killer.

So when Black folks be like, yeah we don't serial kill and serial rape, all those "White people", I'm like yeah we do. It's just that White people are obsessed and fascinated by their own depravity and the idea of this cold killing machine because that's what they are as a collective. We are obsessed with our depravity as well, but we are obsessed with the drug kingpins and the gang banger.

We got serial killers stalking our neighborhoods and disappearing people but White people acknowledging that threatens their sense of superiority. Being a serial killer to them is some mastermind shit. Just like we won't acknowledge White gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood or Hell's Angels be thorough gangsters, since we think it takes a certain level of street smarts we assume White people don't have due to their overall wealth as a population.

America is obsessed with violence and criminality and like everything in America, it's racialized and glamourized through marketing channels and media

Sadly this is true. I believe it was Eldrige Cleaver, yes BPP Cleaver, who said that he started out practicing his raping tactics on Black women because he knew the police didn't give a fuck enough about Black women to investigate even if they did report it. So there's alot of criminals who prey on Black folks using that same mentality
Sadly this is true. I believe it was Eldrige Cleaver, yes BPP Cleaver, who said that he started out practicing his raping tactics on Black women because he knew the police didn't give a fuck enough about Black women to investigate even if they did report it. So there's alot of criminals who prey on Black folks using that same mentality

Something similar happened in Miami a year or 2 ago. Dude would travel to Downtown Miami and shoot and kill homeless people.

I remember there was a case about a Black dude that was stabbing and shooting sleeping homeless people in NYC.

Sadly this is true. I believe it was Eldrige Cleaver, yes BPP Cleaver, who said that he started out practicing his raping tactics on Black women because he knew the police didn't give a fuck enough about Black women to investigate even if they did report it. So there's alot of criminals who prey on Black folks using that same mentality

i remenber reading that. Back then emergency services reallt didn't come to the Black neighborhoods.

If you live in an impoverished area, you are just pray. Pretty much dead already. There's always some sicko, that probably gotten accustomed to seeing violent shit or fantasize about shit or been abused so they become apex predators.

Social recognition and status is what keeps people safe. It's not law enforcement. It's other people giving a fuck about your wellbeing. Serial killers tend to prey on those that society, that we neglect and have no social status.

The poor, homeless, prostitutes, drug addicts, mentally ill, racial minorities, and sexual minorities.

We don't even focus on serial killers that target this class of victims. They don't get documentaries or TV shows.

if Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't an attractive White man that was eating people, nobody would care about what he did.
Something similar happened in Miami a year or 2 ago. Dude would travel to Downtown Miami and shoot and kill homeless people.

What an..........uncomfortable resemblance.

Hope we don't share any DNA.

My grandfather on my father's side was a quote/unquote.............."traveling man."

So it's possible we could be related.

Especially since his people are from Florida.
A significant percentage of serial killers are Black. Black serial killers aren't an uncommon thing.

this one fucks me up

at Age 13: breaks into a home 2 doors away, takes a knife from the kitchen, stabs their neighbor 58 times

at Age 15: breaks into another lady's house, stabs her and her little kids to death 30-60+ times each

some 80s horror movie psycho shit for real

wtf makes somebody that sick?


He sends by mail a 13-page paper by Alan B. Feinstein, a psychologist for the Department of Corrections (not the Rhode Island philanthropist of a similar name).

The paper "explores the possible role of [Craig Price's] exposure to racism as a factor in the murders," Feinstein writes in a brief introduction. While other factors were present in Price's psyche, "years of experiencing both overt and covert forms of racism appear to have had a significant impact on his psychological functioning and ultimate acts of aggression."

Feinstein has interviewed Price many times in prison.

"Throughout the interview process, I was struck by C.P.'s numerous stories of racial mistreatment and the effect they had on him. These events were related in such detail it was as though they had occurred only yesterday, rather than in some cases, over twenty years ago."

Like the time he was 5 and other kids wondered "where his tail is." Like when other kids were served soda in glasses and he was the only one with a paper cup.

"Interviews conducted with C.P. indicate that his victims were not chosen at random or as a matter of convenience, but rather due to their being associated with some perceived racial slight directed toward him."

The stories of racism were vivid, but Feinstein could not be sure they were all true. "The possibility exists," Feinstein allowed, "that C.P. possessed a pre-existing paranoid trait which then caused him to perceive mistreatment that was non-existent."

idk. i'm not saying this guy was Bigger Thomas in Native Son or anything but i think a lot about that Paul Mooney bit where he talks about Amerikkka being designed to drive niggas insane.

telling that both black and white serial killers overwhelmingly target women tho