The Lonious Monk
Celestial Souljah
Also, anyone else knew the V.I.Ps were going to be a bunch of old white dudes?
Koreans love some white ass to kiss, lol.
White ass to kiss? The white people in this story are the pure evil type villains. I wouldn't call that kissing their ass.
Anyway, it was a fun and creative series. I do feel like some others in that the ending wasn't that good. I think my problem was with main character. I think he was great for the majority of the series, but he kinda lost me after the 4th game and his confrontation with 4Eyes. They seemed to wanted to paint the MC as a good guy and 4Eyes as a bad guy, but that does the story a disservice. They had already established that morality wasn't that simple. Like the MC called 4Eyes a murderer for pushing the guy to his death. Did the MC for get that he was literally a part of a Tug of War team that pulled another whole team to their deaths? Then when MC wins, he goes a whole year without trying to look out for the girl's brother and 4Eyes' mom, and even then, only did so after seeing the old guy die. I just think they dropped the ball with his character.