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COMMUNITY Spinoff - Do you have Peace?


Moon for Short
OP @DOS_patos

You work all your life. At the end what do you want?
a peaceful life or a life full of pleasure.
may sound the same kinda but its not.

1) What is your definition of peace? 2)What is your definition of pleasure? 3)Which is more important to you?

My formal question to members of the board. Do you feel at this point in your life that you have achieved peace? IF not what are some ways do you think you can achieve this? Lets help each other find a good place...
i think i found peace.
it took alot of hard work to get to that point. but i knew my goal was always peace.

when i say peace, i mean not having to worry about bills, getting fired or my family suffering even in my absence.
enough income streams that if one fails i have another that can sustain my lifestyle.
the peace that if i die tomorrow, my wife doesnt ever have to worry about money again. that fact that she can properly mourn because i did all my own funeral arrangements and my will is tight.
the fact that mostly everything is taken care of and anything i do now is because of personal goals not necessity.
the fact that i made so many good decisions that the bad decisions are a fraction of my life and insignificant on the grand scheme.


i have peace
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this might be breaking into yet another topic but I feel like I have achieved peace in my personal life (work, family, etc) but not with myself

i still have lots of work to do to be at peace with myself
this might be breaking into yet another topic but I feel like I have achieved peace in my personal life (work, family, etc) but not with myself

i still have lots of work to do to be at peace with myself
and this is where mentors come in.
someone who been thru it or cant help you with the processing.
we are never too far to learn. we can only get better.

Need about $6 mil and diplomatic immunity on Crip.
"Being happy doesnt mean everything is perfect, it means you decide to see beyond the imperfections"
this might be breaking into yet another topic but I feel like I have achieved peace in my personal life (work, family, etc) but not with myself

i still have lots of work to do to be at peace with myself
Not that you share your most personal shit but we all here to help uplift one another

When this promotion kick in in a couple weeks I can begin the work to get there.
Everytime I try to get some peace of mind someone tries to steal a piece of mine
i think i found peace.
it took alot of hard work to get to that point. but i knew my goal was always peace.

when i say peace, i mean not having to worry about bills, getting fired or my family suffering even in my absence.
enough income streams that if one fails i have another that can sustain my lifestyle.
the peace that if i die tomorrow, my wife doesnt ever have to worry about money again. that fact that she can properly mourn because i did all my own funeral arrangements and my will is tight.
the fact that mostly everything is taken care of and anything i do now is because of personal goals not necessity.
the fact that i made so many good decisions that the bad decisions are a fraction of my life and insignificant on the grand scheme.


i have peace

Yo you really gon use my likeness without my consent?

But I have to remind myself of it if that makes sense.

Im used to being in battle mode, constantly fighting the struggle that it can be hard for me to chill.

Maybe I dont truly have peace yet. Fuck. Now Im pissed
I may not have the peace I desire, personally..I can make my way there with a few strategic moves ...Life is a game of chess
Getting there

I can say this. My new son ain’t letting snugs get rest though.

Dude always hungry
To those who base their inner peace on material possessions, lemme ask this:

Would that same peace be there if you lost all your bread/job/ability to earn?
I may not have the peace I desire, personally..I can make my way there with a few strategic moves ...Life is a game of chess
If you take peace now things come together faster. Like if you need a car to be happy, or when you get a promotion then you can be happy, happiness will always be just beyond your grasp. Peace is accepting the reality of what is now and being at peace with it.

That is not to say being at peace with reality is settling for the current reality. Having goals and plans to build upon the current reality is compatible with current inner peace.

In life there is always room for improvement. ~wise virgo
To those who base their inner peace on material possessions, lemme ask this:

Would that same peace be there if you lost all your bread/job/ability to earn?
i can say i would be a bit stressed...but inner peace cant be destroyed once you have it.
the stress would come from me taking my responsibility seriously. and if i can not feed my family......it would bother the fuck outta me.
but that is also why you can not become a slave to possessions.

alot of people are slaves to their car or home or lifestyle. they stress out trying to keep it. that shit can never be completed because as soon as one home is close to being paid for ...you will feel you need something bigger to stand out or keep up.

but living a minimalist lifestyle it makes things easier to deal with on the grand scheme.