Face on making Mary Jane...
Scarface: “I wrote that record on weed but I recorded it on ecstasy. It was probably why it sounded so fucking great. Me and Mike Dean were doing so much fucking X. Like those were the most highest times of my life.
“Lean was always popping. But you’re talking about getting super duper stoned? Of course [we were doing coke]. We rocked it up, cut the rocks up, and then go. We used to call it a shake pack. We would take the shake pack and put that in the weed. That was called Premo’s or mo’s.
“So as time went on you would be talking to your homeboy and say, ‘Man, let’s go get MO’tivated.’ [Laughs.] So when people always say ‘I need something to motivate me,’ I’m always like, ‘Nigga, you don’t want that.’
“I don’t fuck around anymore but back then we got super high. We never did anything sober. I can’t remember doing anything while sober. We did everything but heroin and methamphetamines.”