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Somalian American goes to Japan and harass people with bomb Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Don Dada

Active Member
He goes harasss old people and youngs with Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings

Wrong or not?

He gets jumped in Japan for the comments later

Also one more time he gets bitch slapped

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He goes harasss old people and youngs with Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings

Wrong or not?

He gets jumped in Japan for the comments later

Also one more time he gets bitch slapped

Somewhat related, but I never understood how Japan got so much sympathy for being bombed.

Whenever it comes up, it's never mentioned that this was retaliation for Pearl Harbor.

We weren't even in the war, but they attacked us on U.S. soil and got us into the war.

If they had just left us alone they wouldn't have been bombed.

When they want us to feel sorry for them, they never say anything about all the innocent people who got killed at Pearl Harbor who were just minding their own business.

I could understand if we were already in the war, then it would be fair game.

But this is the equivalent of someone starting a fight with somebody who's just minding their business, and then crying foul when that person beats them half to death.
Somewhat related, but I never understood how Japan got so much sympathy for being bombed.

Whenever it comes up, it's never mentioned that this was retaliation for Pearl Harbor.

We weren't even in the war, but they attacked us on U.S. soil and got us into the war.

If they had just left us alone they wouldn't have been bombed.

When they want us to feel sorry for them, they never say anything about all the innocent people who got killed at Pearl Harbor who were just minding their own business.

I could understand if we were already in the war, then it would be fair game.

But this is the equivalent of someone starting a fight with somebody who's just minding their business, and then crying foul when that person beats them half to death.
The people bombed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were largely civilians who never even picked up a weapon
The people bombed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were largely civilians who never even picked up a weapon

That's true, but the point is none of those soldiers that were killed at Pearl Harbor had ever picked up a weapon to use it against the Japanese. I get why people say the bombs shouldn't have been used. That said, Japan basically sucker punched the U.S., started a bad fight, was given the chance to stop the fight when the U.S. started to gain the upper hand, and then refused to stop after getting stomped on the ground. Maybe the U.S. was wrong to stomp Japan like it did, but Japan basically asked for it.
That's true, but the point is none of those soldiers that were killed at Pearl Harbor had ever picked up a weapon to use it against the Japanese. I get why people say the bombs shouldn't have been used. That said, Japan basically sucker punched the U.S., started a bad fight, was given the chance to stop the fight when the U.S. started to gain the upper hand, and then refused to stop after getting stomped on the ground. Maybe the U.S. was wrong to stomp Japan like it did, but Japan basically asked for it.

Not accurate

The angst with Japan started long before WW2

It started in 1853 when the US rolled up and forced Japan to open up to unfair trade deals and tank their economy. This caused a host of social issues mainly the complete upheaval of the social structure in Japan which would lead to the Japanese Civil War in 1868. Once Japan went through the revolution, they decided they were going to do what al the big European nations were doing which was build their own empire. The west was opposed to this of course but Japan got tired of being taken advantage of. They put the beats on Russia, invaded China and took the islands in the pacific that were under control of Germany and the Dutch.

At the end of WW1, Japan participated in the experiment of the League Of Nations which was an idea floated by that racist piece of shit Woodrow Wilson. Japan wanted a policy that stated all races were equal but were rebuffed. I'll leave you to think about which nations rebuffed this. Japan continued to expand their empire, but the placed an embargo on Japan for oil and with tensions in Europe rising, Japan decided to knock out the US fleet in order to secure those resources.

Japan didn't bomb the US out of nowhere, they felt they had cause and the US had intelligence that an attack was coming, they just didn't know where. Further more, Pearl Harbor was more-so a military target with the idea of knocking out their fleet. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not so much. They bombed those cites because they didn't want to do a land invasion.
Not accurate

The angst with Japan started long before WW2

It started in 1853 when the US rolled up and forced Japan to open up to unfair trade deals and tank their economy. This caused a host of social issues mainly the complete upheaval of the social structure in Japan which would lead to the Japanese Civil War in 1868. Once Japan went through the revolution, they decided they were going to do what al the big European nations were doing which was build their own empire. The west was opposed to this of course but Japan got tired of being taken advantage of. They put the beats on Russia, invaded China and took the islands in the pacific that were under control of Germany and the Dutch.

At the end of WW1, Japan participated in the experiment of the League Of Nations which was an idea floated by that racist piece of shit Woodrow Wilson. Japan wanted a policy that stated all races were equal but were rebuffed. I'll leave you to think about which nations rebuffed this. Japan continued to expand their empire, but the placed an embargo on Japan for oil and with tensions in Europe rising, Japan decided to knock out the US fleet in order to secure those resources.

Japan didn't bomb the US out of nowhere, they felt they had cause and the US had intelligence that an attack was coming, they just didn't know where. Further more, Pearl Harbor was more-so a military target with the idea of knocking out their fleet. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not so much. They bombed those cites because they didn't want to do a land invasion.

Also the US had effectively cut off Japan's access to oil so Japan basically had no choice but to do something. The US was expecting maybe a proxy war somewhere in the South Pacific followed by negotiations but instead they got a swift kick in the nuts.
The bombing wasn’t a direct retaliation to Pearl Harbor

And they should throw that idiot in prison

We might have still bombed them, but they wouldn't have gotten the nukes if it wasn't for Pearl Harbor.

Their fate was sealed once they attacked us without provocation.

Blessing in disguise, because............when you think about it............Japan is indirectly responsible for the end of WWII.

Simply because, without the atomic bomb dropping..........the war would've probably lasted longer.

Once we dropped that bomb on them though.....................

Vince Carter it's over clip.gif
Not accurate

The angst with Japan started long before WW2

It started in 1853 when the US rolled up and forced Japan to open up to unfair trade deals and tank their economy. This caused a host of social issues mainly the complete upheaval of the social structure in Japan which would lead to the Japanese Civil War in 1868. Once Japan went through the revolution, they decided they were going to do what al the big European nations were doing which was build their own empire. The west was opposed to this of course but Japan got tired of being taken advantage of. They put the beats on Russia, invaded China and took the islands in the pacific that were under control of Germany and the Dutch.

At the end of WW1, Japan participated in the experiment of the League Of Nations which was an idea floated by that racist piece of shit Woodrow Wilson. Japan wanted a policy that stated all races were equal but were rebuffed. I'll leave you to think about which nations rebuffed this. Japan continued to expand their empire, but the placed an embargo on Japan for oil and with tensions in Europe rising, Japan decided to knock out the US fleet in order to secure those resources.

Japan didn't bomb the US out of nowhere, they felt they had cause and the US had intelligence that an attack was coming, they just didn't know where. Further more, Pearl Harbor was more-so a military target with the idea of knocking out their fleet. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not so much. They bombed those cites because they didn't want to do a land invasion.
To add to this they bombed the shit out them because projections saw the US losing up to 500k soldiers during an invasion of the Japanese islands

500k soldiers or drop 2 bombs and be done w it
The people bombed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were largely civilians who never even picked up a weapon


They were just as innocent as the victims of Pearl Harbor.

Granted, Pearl Harbor is a military base...........but we weren't at war at the time.

Bottom line, they bombed us first............so they don't have anybody to blame for Hiroshima and Nagasaki but themselves.

Tired of them trying to shame us for that.
Also the US had effectively cut off Japan's access to oil so Japan basically had no choice but to do something. The US was expecting maybe a proxy war somewhere in the South Pacific followed by negotiations but instead they got a swift kick in the nuts.

We got a "swift kick in the nuts".............they got the bomb.

Moral of the story, be careful who you kick in the nuts.

To add to this they bombed the shit out them because projections saw the US losing up to 500k soldiers during an invasion of the Japanese islands

500k soldiers or drop 2 bombs and be done w it

Before the nuclear bombs were dropped, there were civilians subjected to an intense firebombing campaign because some of the cities were built out of wood

At the end of the day, WW2 happened and those bombs got dropped.

But there's no cause for this starvin marvin looking ass nigga to be walking around japan harassing people and cracking jokes about it. If you're born with a face that punchable it's probably best to stay humble and keep a low profile.
That's true, but the point is none of those soldiers that were killed at Pearl Harbor had ever picked up a weapon to use it against the Japanese. I get why people say the bombs shouldn't have been used. That said, Japan basically sucker punched the U.S., started a bad fight, was given the chance to stop the fight when the U.S. started to gain the upper hand, and then refused to stop after getting stomped on the ground. Maybe the U.S. was wrong to stomp Japan like it did, but Japan basically asked for it.
Sucker punch?

Nah, they knew the shit was coming and wanted smoke.

Didn’t the US blockade Japan oil or some shit?
Not accurate

The angst with Japan started long before WW2

It started in 1853 when the US rolled up and forced Japan to open up to unfair trade deals and tank their economy. This caused a host of social issues mainly the complete upheaval of the social structure in Japan which would lead to the Japanese Civil War in 1868. Once Japan went through the revolution, they decided they were going to do what al the big European nations were doing which was build their own empire. The west was opposed to this of course but Japan got tired of being taken advantage of. They put the beats on Russia, invaded China and took the islands in the pacific that were under control of Germany and the Dutch.

At the end of WW1, Japan participated in the experiment of the League Of Nations which was an idea floated by that racist piece of shit Woodrow Wilson. Japan wanted a policy that stated all races were equal but were rebuffed. I'll leave you to think about which nations rebuffed this. Japan continued to expand their empire, but the placed an embargo on Japan for oil and with tensions in Europe rising, Japan decided to knock out the US fleet in order to secure those resources.

Japan didn't bomb the US out of nowhere, they felt they had cause and the US had intelligence that an attack was coming, they just didn't know where. Further more, Pearl Harbor was more-so a military target with the idea of knocking out their fleet. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not so much. They bombed those cites because they didn't want to do a land invasion.

Bro, the shit you're talking about is literally going on between countries constantly. The US is doing a hundred things right now that could fairly result in a country declaring war. There's still a difference between declaring war and then attacking a military target and just sneak attacking. If Japan felt it had cause to go to war with the U.S., they could have declared war. They didn't do that. They attacked a base that was not on alert. There were plenty of civilians at Pearl Harbor that day as there always are.

The issue is not why Japan felt they needed to do what they did. The issue is whether or not the U.S. response was justified. The two countries engaged in a war that Japan started. The U.S. could have won without the nukes, but it would have required a land invasion, which is hard, just look at what Russia is going through with Ukraine now. The president chose to preserve the lives of his soldiers over those of the Japanese. The U.S. gave Japan ample opportunity to surrender, and even when the Emperor knew exactly what was going to happen, he chose not to. Regardless of whether or not Japan felt justified throwing a sucker punch, you don't get to do that and then choose how the fight ends when you're on the losing end.

To be clear, I'm not saying using the nukes was right or wrong. I just don't think its fair to make all these rash judgements on that decision after we now know all the fallout. Remember, they didn't really understand how bad radiation was back then. A lot of the people that worked on the project later died because of the radiation exposure because they didn't know.