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OUT NOW SilverfoxxETO - Elephant In The Room

Added to Calendar: 08-30-24

This project was pretty vulnerable to me, wanted to be fearless and honest. It's been a long journey, and in the battle against algorithms, trends, and real-life shit, I want my art to be unapologetic. It won't be for everyone, the E.T.O. brand aint for everyone. But the hope is to take pride in unifying other Alien Outlaws on knowing We Aint Them.


Any suggestions or feedback is always appreciated!
View attachment EITR COMIC 4 FINal.jpg

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@Lab Baby @Stiff

This is good work bro. So much growth from the last music I heard from you. You really went out of the box and pushed creatively and had good mix/sound quality as you did it. My favorite tracks were Delusional Loner and the Unmarketables. Album art is dope too!
This is good work bro. So much growth from the last music I heard from you. You really went out of the box and pushed creatively and had good mix/sound quality as you did it. My favorite tracks were Delusional Loner and the Unmarketables. Album art is dope too!
I appreciate that fam. Always appreciated your feedback. Have 3 more projects coming out this year each one is different. This project is probably the most "tame" out of all of them. Excited to share my weird shit with folks lol.