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Should label/radio execs be held legally liable for drug/violent crime/death?

Should label/radio execs be held legally liable for drug/violent crime/death?

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Presidential candidates who win the election are typically indebted to the investors who donate to their political campaigns.

Right now, if you gave money to a street gang or a hit man or terrorist organization, you would be held financially responsible, thus legally liable, for whatever death or crime resulted from the transaction.

So why shouldn't the Presidents, A&Rs, CEOs, program directors, COO, etc. be held responsible for the music they fund and promote through money transactions which often times directly lead to the death of young people and a large infestation of crime, not to mention the artists themselves? This is money laundering.

Even OJ was found to be responsible for his wife's death in Civil court.
I agree with @ Sion but I have to say this;

When 2Pac was wildin out spitting in people's faces there should have been some accountability. Somebody (the police) should have arrested him for assault because you can't walk around spitting on people. Furthermore, they could/should have sued either 2Pac or Interscope for simple assault, battery, or disorderly conduct at the least. Somebody should have made a clear message that you can't spit on news reporters and cameramen. It made him look like a savage and I think his fans (teenagers) would have benefitted from seeing him made an example of. The whole, "I don't give a fuck" attitude will lead you to jail or a cemetery.

Same as when he got out and recorded Hit Em Up. According to Faith Evans she never had sex with 2Pac. At this point we'll never know but there should have been some accountability somewhere along the line. Suge, or Dre, or Jimmy Iovine should have said, "This is tasteless, I refuse to release this song on my record label". Hit Em Up should have been on a mixtape, not sold in stores with a video on MTV.
Niggas need to be accountable for their own actions and not be so quick to point the figure at this that or the third. If You decide to loan money to a gang, you know what the consequences of that action are and so you are taking the risk of being caught.
You're taking the world at face value as opposed to the underlying and motivating factors.

You cant argue against a shift in law or policy by simply saying the law 'is what it already is'.

If it's wrong to fund illegal practices, it should be illegal to fund illegal practices of all sorts, particularly if there is a proven pattern.
The label execs aren't responsible for an artist being strung out on drugs.
If they pay specifically for an artist to keep up a specific lifestyle of drug addiction for the sake of promotion and lifestyle marketing, they are financially responsible, as are they responsible for the residual societal consequences.
No they're not lmaoooo. They pay an artist to make music and that's it. What the artist does with their finances is on them. It's entertainment and labels have hundreds of thousands of artists they employ. If you're foolish enough to try and actually live out everything you rap about then you're responsible for being stupid enough to do it. TV networks provide the platform but if some idiot decides to shoot at police because he saw the terminator do it he's responsible for his actions not the studio and not the network. YouTube and IG isn't responsible if you do the shiggy dance and get hit by a car for likes.

Rap is entertainment and I hope people aren't dumb enough to think 50 Cent killed aaaalll those people in songs or that TI sold all those drugs and was a drug kingpin. Artists need to be held accountable for what they say not the label. Pimp C used to say artists need to provide social commentary in music because kids look up to rappers and Don't realize there's another side when the feds kick the door down and niggas go to jail and they families are starving and dont have money to pay rent.
You CANNOT be so naive as to think artists get paid to make music and nothing else with no strings attached to the messages and images therein.


First we criticize C Delores Tucker, Time Warner, etc for attacking Hip Hop but now we ask if labels should be responsible for destructive behavior? Which one is it?
If you don’t like destructive entertainment, don’t support it and equip your kids with the knowledge to keep them away from it. Simple, Gotdamn. Woe is me and I’m the victim of everything ass niggas.
Delores Tucker took public and government platform to attack rap artists. But any self respecting black man or woman knows she, and people like her, wouldn't be caught dead with these executives' names in her mouth because they would dry up her funding immediately.

If you are going to criticize the rapper, you damn sure better be criticizing the financiers of the rapper. There is no glamour in the victimization of the poor and naive. Some young kid without hardly a penny to his name and suddenly he's being surrounded by a president, a CEO, a dj, an a&r, an agent, an accountant, etc who all have better education and insight than him but they'll give him just enough money to make them richer while he's unaware of the plot against him to use him as a frog's lily pad, ready to pounce on and off of him the moment he sinks. And by sink I mean ger strung out, gets locked up, broke, or dead.

Until you have economic awareness, dont come in here talking about a "woe is me" mentality.
And by sink I mean ger strung out, gets locked up, broke, or dead.

In each of those instances the label is still gonna make money off of that artist sadly.

That being said... this the information age... the knowledge these artists need to not get fucked over by these labels is out there and available....

Blaming labels/radio execs seems ridiculous cuz at this stage in the game.... if you know what you're doing and how to market yourself to YOUR fans directly on social media.... you dont really need a label or radio
I agree with @ Sion but I have to say this;

When 2Pac was wildin out spitting in people's faces there should have been some accountability. Somebody (the police) should have arrested him for assault because you can't walk around spitting on people. Furthermore, they could/should have sued either 2Pac or Interscope for simple assault, battery, or disorderly conduct at the least. Somebody should have made a clear message that you can't spit on news reporters and cameramen. It made him look like a savage and I think his fans (teenagers) would have benefitted from seeing him made an example of. The whole, "I don't give a fuck" attitude will lead you to jail or a cemetery.

Same as when he got out and recorded Hit Em Up. According to Faith Evans she never had sex with 2Pac. At this point we'll never know but there should have been some accountability somewhere along the line. Suge, or Dre, or Jimmy Iovine should have said, "This is tasteless, I refuse to release this song on my record label". Hit Em Up should have been on a mixtape, not sold in stores with a video on MTV.

Faith Evans should have hit Pac with a slander/libel suit if she really didn't fuck dude.
Whomever it was that Pac spit on should have filed criminal battery charges on his ass for it.
Shit woulda slowed his ass down completely when you looking at violating parole or whatever and your pockets taking a hit over a song.
At first when reading this thread my vote was no. After thinking about if for a while I voted for yes. With all the bullshit gang laws they use to lock black people up. It makes absolutely no sense that a record label is able to pay people who are known to be in gangs and some "active" in gangs to promote their beefs with rival gangs and know that some of that money will be spent on drugs and guns for those gangs.

Just because the label execs and others are held responsible doesn't also mean that the individual artist is no longer personally responsible either. They all should be held accountable.
At first when reading this thread my vote was no. After thinking about if for a while I voted for yes. With all the bullshit gang laws they use to lock black people up. It makes absolutely no sense that a record label is able to pay people who are known to be in gangs and some "active" in gangs to promote their beefs with rival gangs and know that some of that money will be spent on drugs and guns for those gangs.

Just because the label execs and others are held responsible doesn't also mean that the individual artist is no longer personally responsible either. They all should be held accountable.
Do u feel like if that's the case, rec labels would fall back from signing them?

I feel like they would use it to amp a nigga, like hes so dope he's worth the risk. They would play it up like they played up 50 being shot 9 times. This nigga can die anyday but we're willing to pay for that just so we can give you this suppa hot fire.

Its ignorant but kids love ignorant
Do u feel like if that's the case, rec labels would fall back from signing them?

I feel like they would use it to amp a nigga, like hes so dope he's worth the risk. They would play it up like they played up 50 being shot 9 times. This nigga can die anyday but we're willing to pay for that just so we can give you this suppa hot fire.

Its ignorant but kids love ignorant

I don't think they would 100% fall back but I do think they would be more selective in who they signed to push that type of ignorance.

I'm grown and I still love ignorance but at the same time being grown now allows me to see the other negative side I didn't really see before.
*Yawn* aight bruh, go ahead and sue Universal. Don’t let me stop you. You cool, but this is just a waste of time. Also I’m assuming this is related to Jcewrld right? Soooooo, RIP to the homey, but wasn’t he legally an adult?
This is rap related. Juice wrld may or may not fall into this category, I don't know enough about his death to say.

In each of those instances the label is still gonna make money off of that artist sadly.

That being said... this the information age... the knowledge these artists need to not get fucked over by these labels is out there and available....

Blaming labels/radio execs seems ridiculous cuz at this stage in the game.... if you know what you're doing and how to market yourself to YOUR fans directly on social media.... you dont really need a label or radio
I think you and a couple others are mistaking my question for "SHOULD they" as "COULD they". There are alot of laws on the books that seem so far fetched, one wouldn't think they were real but they are and they are used to send people to prison.

That's enough to warrant the question the thread poses.

At first when reading this thread my vote was no. After thinking about if for a while I voted for yes. With all the bullshit gang laws they use to lock black people up. It makes absolutely no sense that a record label is able to pay people who are known to be in gangs and some "active" in gangs to promote their beefs with rival gangs and know that some of that money will be spent on drugs and guns for those gangs.

Just because the label execs and others are held responsible doesn't also mean that the individual artist is no longer personally responsible either. They all should be held accountable.

Do u feel like if that's the case, rec labels would fall back from signing them?

I feel like they would use it to amp a nigga, like hes so dope he's worth the risk. They would play it up like they played up 50 being shot 9 times. This nigga can die anyday but we're willing to pay for that just so we can give you this suppa hot fire.

Its ignorant but kids love ignorant
The public will consume what the public is served. The public consumed ying yang twinz, lollipop, and every dong these stripper rappers write about fucking for money.

You mean to tell me a marketing savvy executive couldn't promote economic progress, social uplift, and positivity on a commercial level? Of course they could.

But somehow people look past this type of shit...
Niggas need to be accountable for their own actions and not be so quick to point the figure at this that or the third. If You decide to loan money to a gang, you know what the consequences of that action are and so you are taking the risk of being caught.
Real shit. Accountability in everything.