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Shaq Denounce being a celebrity.


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Shaquille O’Neal doesn’t want any connection to his celebrity status.

He said during a recent interview,

“These celebrities are going freaking crazy and I don’t want to be one. I denounce my celebrity-ness today. I’m done with it.” He added,

“I don’t want to be in that category. Celebrities are crazy, they really are. Don’t call me that anymore. These people are out of their freaking minds with how they treat people, what they do, what they say. That’s never been me. I never want to be looked at like that.” “All my life, everyone probably gets stereotyped, but us celebrities, we get stereotyped because most of these celebrities are out of their mind. I don’t do that. I’m a regular person that listened, followed his dreams and made it.”
Shaquille O’Neal spoke on his humble beginnings and said that instead of being a celebrity, he wants to be known for his kindness and how he treats others.

“I came from nothing. But, just because I made it doesn’t mean I’m bigger than you, smarter than you — just because I have more money doesn’t mean I’m better than you. I’ve never been that way and I never will be that way. So I don’t want to be in that category of people....”
Well too late for all that. He surely benefited from them celebrity perks.

That's not really what he's talking about. I'm not sure what prompted this from him, but he's saying that "celebrities" in general are starting to be known for treating others badly and he doesn't want to be associated with that.

I can respect that. Shaq has said some questionable shit over the years, but he never struck me as the type of person to look down on others...unless you are a young center in the NBA and don't play the way Shaq believes you should.
This nigga still selling eco-tank printers on posters in every retail store across the country
I mean on one hand I understand what he means about celebrities at times treating their fans like shit like they're the president but then he's still on commercials everywhere advertising products as a celebrity. He's gonna have that celebrity status until he die. That's just the way it goes. Once you step in the spotlight, you're a celebrity rather you like it or not.