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Senate unanimously approves making Daylight Saving Time permanent


Senate unanimously approves making Daylight Saving Time permanent


The Senate on Tuesday approved a proposal to make Daylight Saving Time permanent, which if passed in the House and signed by President Biden, would mean Americans would never again have to set their clocks back an hour and lose an hour of afternoon daylight in the fall and winter.

If enacted into law, it would also mean that early risers lose an hour of daylight in the mornings in November, December, January and February.
In New York, for example, under current law the sun will rise at 7:15 a.m. on Dec. 21, the shortest day of the year. If the Sunshine Protection Act becomes law, New Yorkers won’t see the sun rise until 8:15 a.m. that day.
On the other hand, instead of the sun setting at 4:31 p.m. in late December, it will set at 5:31 pm — giving people a little more daylight to enjoy in the afternoon.
The proposal would not take effect until Nov. 20, 2023, to give airlines and other transportation industries more time to adjust to the change.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the lead sponsor of the proposal, touted an array of benefits to making Daylight Saving Time permanent — from reduced season affective disorder in the late fall and early winter to more daylight for school sports.
“There’s strong science behind it that is now showing and making people aware of the harm that clock switching has, there’s an increase in heart attacks, car accidents and pedestrian accidents,” he said on the Senate floor.
“The benefits of Daylight Savings Time has been accounted for in the research: Reduced crime as there is light later in the day, decrease in seasonal depression that many feel during standard time and the practical one,” he added.
Rubio said it would also give school kids more time to play in the daylight after school.
“In a country we desperately want our kids outside, playing, doing sports, not just to sit in front of a TV playing video games all day. It gets tough in many parts of the country to be able to do that. What ends up happening is for the 16 weeks of the year, if you don’t have a park or outdoor facility with lights, you’re basically shut down at 5 p.m., in some cases 4 p.m.,” he said.
Rubio urged the House to quickly take up the measure and pass it.
He also noted that it would not take effect until next year.
“I think it is important to delay it until Nov. 20, 2023, because airlines and other transportation has built out a schedule and they asked for a few months to make the adjustment,” he said.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.), the lead Democratic sponsor of the legislation, said its passage would be welcomed by people in his home state.

“Pretty much everybody in Rhode Island experiences the same thing on that unhappy day in early November … when suddenly an hour of your day, an hour of your daylight disappears and dusk comes an hour earlier,” he said.

“It does darken our lives in a very literal sense and by the time you get from November when we fall back to the shortest day of the year in December, the 21st I think it is, we have sunset in Rhode Island at 4:15,” he added. “That means everybody is driving home if they work regular nine-to-five hours they’re driving home in the pitch dark.

“So let’s make it 5:15,” he said. “Granted there are people who are up between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning who will then miss their hour of daylight but there are a lot fewer people up and about between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning than there are between 4:15 and 5:15 in the afternoon.”
They're doing it wrong.

The days would get longer this time of year anyway........even if we didn't switch to Daylight Savings Time.

Not as long as under DST, but still longer nonetheless.

What they need to do is get rid of DST altogether and stay on Standard Time...........or whatever time we're on when we're not on DST.

Guess it's a matter of personal preference, because I'm not really feeling it being pitch black at 6 in the morning............but, at the same time, I don't like it being that dark at 5pm either.

So, for me, it's Standard Time over DST.
They're doing it wrong.

The days are going to get longer this time of year anyway.

Not as long as under DST, but still longer nonetheless.

What they need to do is get rid of DST altogether and stay on Standard Time...........or whatever time we're on when we're not on DST.

Guess it's a matter of personal preference, because I'm not really feeling it being pitch black at 6 in the morning............but, at the same time, I don't like it being that dark at 5pm either.

So, for me, it's Standard Time over DST.
why does it matter if its dark at 6am?
why does it matter if its dark at 6am?

Just personal preference.

When I woke up this past Sunday morning, I didn't like waking up at a reasonable hour in the morning when it's pitch black.

I prefer to see the sun rising at the time.

Look, my thing is............days naturally get longer in the spring and summer...........and they naturally get shorter in the fall and winter.

So why do we have to do anything to force the issue either way?

Just pick a time and stick to it.

All this..........."set your clocks an hour back or an hour ahead".........is stupid to me.

However, if I had to pick a permanent time, it would be Standard instead of DST.
Just personal preference.

When I woke up this past Sunday morning, I didn't like waking up at a reasonable hour in the morning when it's pitch black.

I prefer to see the sun rising at the time.

Look, my thing is............days naturally get longer in the spring and summer...........and they naturally get shorter in the fall and winter.

So why do we have to do anything to force the issue either way?

Just pick a time and stick to it.

All this..........."set your clocks an hour back or an hour ahead".........is stupid to me.

However, if I had to pick a permanent time, it would be Standard instead of DST.
so you are in support of this legislation?
When Bush changed the dates while in office I knew it would get changed again
Guess it's a matter of personal preference, because I'm not really feeling it being pitch black at 6 in the morning............but, at the same time, I don't like it being that dark at 5pm either.

So, for me, it's Standard Time over DST.

Do know that has nothing to do with setting your clock back or not?

It will still get dark at 5 in the winter time