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Self snitching


I'm the 3rd little piggy, imma fuck wit dem bricks
Mod Squad
OK.... First things first....

People snitch. They tattle tale. They turn people in. They give up information they didn't have to.

This thread is not to debate on what truly constitutes as actual street snitching or not.

We are not searching for a definitive answer on what snitching truly is.

I just want to know who's got the balls to say they told or got someone in trouble for some shit they didn't have to.

I'll tell my story after this post. But I want others to post up as well. I know y'all gotta be some telling asses....
My stories are more complete asshole stories than anything.


Computer class.

Now if y'all can't tell by now..... I'm really good at pissing people off. However, believe it or not,, I'm very mature and laid back. This was not always so.

In highschool my level of no fucks given was ridiculously high. And I successfully pissed off like way too many people with this one.

Okay... The teacher hated my guts.

And as with any teacher who hated my guts, I went out of my way to annoy her.

I figured out a flaw in her words per minute monitoring system and exploited it to no end... Frustrating the holy hell out of her.... Then I told the entire class how I did it and we were all frustrating the hell out of her, cuz she knew we weren't typing at like 150 words per minute, but unless she stood over everyone's shoulder why we took the test, she'd never figure out how we were cheating....

Well she pulled her trump card and pointed out she was not going to offer her class in summer school, so if we failed, we would have to switch schools.

My highschool was pretty exclusive. You can't do the same grade twice. And you can't go to the next grade with ANY failing courses.

Meaning that if you failed a course, and it wasn't in summer school.... That was it.... You gone....

That was her trump card.

And she pulled it.
One day she was like unless I told her how I was cheating the computer she was going to fail me, and subsequently get me kicked out.

Everyone was looking at me like :saywut::reallydude::uk::yikes1::wth:

Man without hesitation i was like " give me a 90 and we got a deal"

The whole class was like


Bruh.... No fucks given.

I didn't really like any of them. I had 0 fear of retaliation,, and I'm the one who taught them the shit to begin with..... Free of charge mind you...

I looked at the whole class and told them they were ungrateful and that would be the last time they benefit from my genius....

Shit was comical as fuck
I stayed snitching on my older brother.

I remember I called his best friend up and told him that his girlfriend was spending the night at our house.

Because I had the window that
Led to the back , she had to climb through my window.

Bruh came over quick and climbed through the same window and walked up in my brothers room like

giphy (10).gif
I stayed snitching on my older brother.

I remember I called his best friend up and told him that his girlfriend was spending the night at our house.

Because I had the window that
Led to the back , she had to climb through my window.

Bruh came over quick and climbed through the same window and walked up in my brothers room like

View attachment 9249
LMAOO you ain't shit
Another time I was working at a super market....

I hated this place... But I needed the money....

So anyway.... We're having this grand reopening... Which was stupid cuz we never closed..... But they're making a huge deal about it..... So yea...

And its highly annoying.

Like everything annoying about the job and management was up to 11 that day.... It was sick...

Also the back was a total mess.... They moved so much shit from the floors for display and presentation no one gave a fuck what the back looked like....

I'm trying to take out the trash through the department door.... But the shit blocked, and I gotta go through the store..... And the regional manager had the gull to catch an attitude about it....

So after I gave her the verbal business.... I was still pissed and decided to cash in on the idol threat I made During my shit talking....

I called the fire Marshall....

Like right after the local fire department cut the ribbon to the store, they gave them a high ass fine for all the fire codes in the back....

Everyone knew I did it.... I even bragged about doing it.....

But No one could definitively prove it..... And I continuously pointed that out to them
I use to always get in trouble so I'd never told on people because I know how it felt.
I never snitched on my homies....

But when it came to people I didn't have any real connect to....

Self preservation fam.... Fuck them kids...

One time my boy was about to do detention cuz his whole class didn't want to say who took the all the hall passes from ms Johnson class...

Man i was like

" excuse me sir Troy Robinson was selling hall passes at lunch, the rest of these kids should be able to go home"

Troy was like


Fuck that kid. He couldn't beat me and he knew it. Get my friends in trouble..... Fuck outta here
I never snitched on my homies....

But when it came to people I didn't have any real connect to....


Ass nigga
I stayed snitching on my older brother.

I remember I called his best friend up and told him that his girlfriend was spending the night at our house.

Because I had the window that
Led to the back , she had to climb through my window.

Bruh came over quick and climbed through the same window and walked up in my brothers room like

View attachment 9249

That's so fucc'd up. Lol!

one story that stands out....

was a youngin an overheard niggas talking about "soon as I see such such, boom"

such an such was my cousins close homie....told my cousin....he told such and such....

they got they homies.....yea.
that Street life shit ain't worth it.
two died....such an such got a few years....

I always wondered about that....my cousin could been killed but did I cause a death protecting mine indirectly.

smdh still