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OPINION Rolling Stone puts out its “200 Greatest Hip-Hop Albums of All-Time” list….

Yoh is the only name on that list of journalists that I recognize and respect.

that said, I don’t agree with the order of the list (of course) but I cant disagree with what made the top 3.
Wow, that #1 was totally unexpected. So daring, so provocative.

I was just in Newbury Comics. Alot of these new rap albums Over say, the past 5 years, are on vinyl and selling for $37.99.

It's crazy because you can stream them for free. The man always figures out a way to make money off of Hip Hop.

I guess the secret is to press the album on vinyl and charge an arm and a leg. Somebody will buy it.
Wow, that #1 was totally unexpected. So daring, so provocative.


I loved Juicy when it was out, but in hindsight, it's mixed horribly. It sounds awful compared to songs that came out around the same time like So Many Tears.

NYC producers didn't know anything about Sub-bass. I guess that's how No Limit took over.

I remember I had the Ghetto D album and while I didn't care for the way they rapped, I liked the way it sounded.
Idk why yall surprise. I swear every list these companies do is trash . Fuck em and fuck that token black guy for allowing that bs to fly

Yeah, whenever Rolling Stone makes a so-called "Greatest Album of All Time" list, they always put a Beatles album at number one.

Some of the Beatles stuff is ok at best, but Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, etc have albums that blow the Beatles away. What's Going On is so much better than all of the Beatles albums combined that it isn't even worth discussing.