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Retired Navy SEAL Chris Beck, who came out as trans, announces detransition:

A retired Navy SEAL who became famous nearly 10 years ago after coming out as transgender announced he is detransitioning and called on Americans to “wake up” about how transgender health services are hurting children.

“Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it,” Chris Beck, formerly known as Kristin Beck, told conservative influencer Robby Starbuck in an interview published earlier this month. “Everything that happened to me for the last ten years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I’m not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help.”

“I take full responsibility,” he continued. “I went on CNN and everything else, and that’s why I’m here right now, I’m trying to correct that.”

Beck gained notoriety in 2013 when he spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper about transitioning to a woman.

“I was used … I was very naive, I was in a really bad way, and I got taken advantage of. I got propagandized. I got used badly by a lot of people who had knowledge way beyond me. They knew what they were doing. I didn’t,” he said during the interview.

Beck served in the US Navy for 20 years, including on SEAL Team Six. He was deployed 13 times and received more than 50 medals and ribbons for his service.

Beck said he’s speaking out about transgenderism to protect children in the current political climate, where there are gender clinics “over all of America.”

There are thousands of gender clinics being put up over all of America,” he said. “As soon as [kids] go in and say, ‘I’m a tomboy or this makes me feel comfortable’ and then a psychologist says, ‘oh, you’re transgender’. And then the next day you’re on hormones – the same hormones they are using for medical castration for pedophiles. Now they are giving this to healthy 13-year-olds.”

“Does this seem right,” he asked. “This is why I am trying to tell America to wake up.”

Beck said that when he began transitioning, it took just an hour-long meeting at Veterans Affairs to be offered hormones.

“I walked into a psychologist’s office [and] in one day I have a letter in my hand saying I was transgender. I was authorized for hormones. I was authorized all this other stuff,” Beck said.

“I had so much going wrong in my system when I started taking those,” he added. “Some of that was paid for by the VA, and I’m sorry to the American people that I did that.”

Beck said he has been off of hormones for about seven years now.

“This is a billion-dollar industry between psychologists, between surgeries, between hormones, between chemicals, between follow-up treatments,” he continued. “There are thousands of gender clinics popping up all over our country. And each of those gender clinics is going to be pulling in probably over $50 million.”
Lmaooo. Fuck outa here.

You dont get to go on a media tour acting out being a victim because you were transitioning to another gender, and then 10 years later go back on a media tour acting out being a victim about transitioning back.

Mans/Womans only real issue is wanting attention and being a victim it seems
Lmaooo. Fuck outa here.

You dont get to go on a media tour acting out being a victim because you were transitioning to another gender, and then 10 years later go back on a media tour acting out being a victim about transitioning back.

Mans/Womans only real issue is wanting attention and being a victim it seems

Bigger picture is he's one of the first to acknowledge the mental health aspect. That he wasn't in the right mind and was very uneducated and uniformed about what was a life altering decision.

Everyone just dances around the shit like it isn't important.
Bigger picture is he's one of the first to acknowledge the mental health aspect. That he wasn't in the right mind and was very uneducated and uniformed about what was a life altering decision.

Everyone just dances around the shit like it isn't important.

How do we know any of this?

Its people out there where whatever they dealing with at the moment in their mind is the only thing that is right. They look at their past decisions and even though they had the same level of conviction, they feel like they were totally wrong, and they 100% right now. And then they also take little to no responsibility on doing a total switch and blame everyone else.

I dont know a thing about this dude outside these articles.

Im just going off how I percieve it from as little info as I got. And it feels like hes one of them people like I described.

For everyone like him feeling like transitioning was a mistake, theres some that feels like not transitioning was and is a mistake.

So I cant sit here and be like yea hes talking about the mental health aspect of it and disregard everyone who feels the complete opposite of him.

I would really have respected dude had he said yo I transitioned and 10 years later I feel like it wasnt for me and now im trasitioning back.

Thats better than shitting on mfers that was against his transition 10 years ago and then shitting on pro transition folks now.
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Bigger picture is he's one of the first to acknowledge the mental health aspect. That he wasn't in the right mind and was very uneducated and uniformed about what was a life altering decision.

Everyone just dances around the shit like it isn't important.

People out here changing genders because they hate their life and then still hate their life afterwards.

Mental health industry is a racket.

99 percent of the time, they gonna give you some pills and talk to you for an hour two times a week and send your ass back to work or school whatever.

Then you end up dependent on a drug for the rest of your life to prevent you from losing your shit.

Mental health discourse is trash because people make it seem like there's something wrong with people if they feel out of place or sad or angry for long periods of time.

That's just normal fucking life. If you got any type awareness of the state of the world you live in, you gonna feel that way. People pathologizing feeling any other emotion than happiness and therefore something is wrong with you is annoying.

Unless someone is hearing voices or seeing shit that ain't there, or can't get out of bed or got strong homicidal/suicidal thoughts that they are about to act on or been through some fucked up shit, they most likely don't need to see a therapist.

They probably just need to get some exercise and do something fun and stop giving a fuck so much. Most of the antidepressants they give people ain't that much better than going out for a hour walk three times a week.

Humans aren't rational automatons and the expectation that we should be is a bias that has made us a weak and fragile species, dependent on medication that makes us even weaker and unable to withstand the rigors of being alive.

Now the new thing is changing your sex as if most people don't wish to be something other than what they at certain points in their life.

A racket, I tell you.
If he cut his dick and balls off it's a little too late to back track

He/ she gotta take that L

" Don't cut his dick off Maaaaane"
Bigger picture is he's one of the first to acknowledge the mental health aspect. That he wasn't in the right mind and was very uneducated and uniformed about what was a life altering decision.

Everyone just dances around the shit like it isn't important.

I mean if you a grown ass adult. No one force you to do this shit.

Maybe he was mislead or given wrong info...thats why in all cases its best to get 2nd n 3rd opinions

He clearly loves media attention tho
“Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it,” Chris Beck, formerly known as Kristin Beck, told conservative influencer Robby Starbuck in an interview published earlier this month. “Everything that happened to me for the last ten years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I’m not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help.”

The man in him is taking responsibility, but the woman in her couldn't help but say "it's someone else's fault!"


Lmaooo. Fuck outa here.

You dont get to go on a media tour acting out being a victim because you were transitioning to another gender, and then 10 years later go back on a media tour acting out being a victim about transitioning back.

Mans/Womans only real issue is wanting attention and being a victim it seems

That's not what he did. He specifically said he's not a victim. I think his points are that not enough is done to actually vet people and ensure transitioning is the right thing and that pushing transgenderism is becoming a big money industry which further corrupts things. I don't know about that latter point, but he'd know more than us if there is any validity to that first point.
That's not what he did. He specifically said he's not a victim. I think his points are that not enough is done to actually vet people and ensure transitioning is the right thing and that pushing transgenderism is becoming a big money industry which further corrupts things. I don't know about that latter point, but he'd know more than us if there is any validity to that first point.

If you ever want to know WHY something is happening or being pushes absurdly hard, look for the money in it. Find the money trail and you'll find the "why".

He ain't the first nor will he be the last to "detransition" and talk about it openly. I pointed out the most famous and most vocally critical of it all, Walt Heyer both here and on the IC some time ago. Hayer transitioned and lived as a woman for a number of years but still wasn't happy. It wasn't until he underwent some intense psychotherapy that they got to the root of the issue and, according to him, once they broke through the wall his mind created, all feelings of being trans left. Unfortunately for him, he actually got the surgery. Not sure what they did about that. Dude is a staunch advocate for therapy for people that feel as if they are trans instead of years of hormones and chopping off body parts.

Chris Beck is just the latest "high profile" transperson to be open about detransitioning. It's happening quite a bit around the world and the "community" really doesn't like talking about it one bit.