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Head Auntie of Dragonstone
Mod Squad
Let's play a game. Choose a poster and recommend them a TV show, movie, book, podcast etc that you think they would like. Then that poster will recommend something back to the person who mentioned them and also to a new poster.

No winners or cash involved but if you check the recommendation and like it...you could throw the person some cash for a job well done.
I'll start...

You always posting articles and random info. If you haven't seen this already I think you'd think like this show


It's by Vox and they take a random subject and break it down. All the eps are around 20 mins.

They've had eps on cryptocurrency, monogamy, e-sports and gene editing.
Great thread Idea.

And hell yes, im always on a quest for more knowledge and learning how shit works....thats was a good recommendation Gabi.




build that empire and let me hold something