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Really Good Podcast about Science for Black folks


Bitch mob
These two amazing Black Women is doing a great job breaking things down. This episode alone I feel alot of folks would enjoy and understand science better. This is great for representation for black people in Science, communication, and holding accountability better for scientists as well as the general public. Love to here you guys thoughts on this one.

Anyone took a listen yet? Interested to have some good dialogue on this. I think it's critical for the science to communicate with that black community and for a relationship to be established especially with something as fresh as the Tuskegee experiment happening only 50 years ago. Black representation is not too strong with Science, and a decent amount of Black folks may not like the approach of science but I think a relationship can be had.
Listened to the science denier podcast and it was dope (pun intended, lol). Confirmed my thought that it’s damn near impossible to “do your own research” without a base level of knowledge and awareness on a topic such as Covid and vaccines. The majority of people that take this stance do not have this base level needed.

They did say though that the scientists have to get better at messaging so people can understand better and not be so confused.
Listened to the science denier podcast and it was dope (pun intended, lol). Confirmed my thought that it’s damn near impossible to “do your own research” without a base level of knowledge and awareness on a topic such as Covid and vaccines. The majority of people that take this stance do not have this base level needed.

They did say though that the scientists have to get better at messaging so people can understand better and not be so confused.
Glad you checked it out fam.

I really think there is a rich goldmine to be tapped between science and the black community. I truly believe if black folks had the opportunity to see representation, or speak to scientists in real life the relationship and thought process of what science is can be very impactful for our community.
Glad you checked it out fam.

I really think there is a rich goldmine to be tapped between science and the black community. I truly believe if black folks had the opportunity to see representation, or speak to scientists in real life the relationship and thought process of what science is can be very impactful for our community.
Agree, because I never would have thought so many black people would have been so easily deceived by random people on social media spouting nonsense. I’ve always seen us as, and still do for the most part, the part of the populace that sees things as they are.
Agree, because I never would have thought so many black people would have been so easily deceived by random people on social media spouting nonsense. I’ve always seen us as, and still do for the most part, the part of the populace that sees things as they are.

I honestly understand why it happens. For most black folks, the deep genetic aspects of mental trauma dating back to slavery and oppression has created a cultural conceptual ideology focusing on the heavier aspects of rationality due to protection of one self and issues of trust. Most black folks (myself included before I started trying to unlearn my behaviors) struggle with the grey area when analyzing information and yearn for the immediate conclusion on assessments to reassure safety and protection. Most black folks don't have the luxury of getting resources to acquire more information on, due to systemic oppression as well other factors.

I understand why information online is more believable because most scientists are white or not black, and struggle with how to communicate the facts that are being studied, while most black folks want you to keep it real and straight forward.

Unfortunately science does not work that way, as the information is always a continuous and growing, so it's easy for most black people to see science is disingenuous when they are looking to the answer.

Communication is super important, and knowing how to talk to folks without insulting their intelligence, looking down on them, and being straightforward with them will take skill but I don't know how to do that shit lmao. That's why I posted this episode because I thought these black Queens did a great job doing what I just struggled to type.
Black people regardless need to understand science and learn to drop their biases because it's the way the world is going. No matter how you think or try to perceive a reality, the truth of the reality is that science is working and changing the world at an incredible fast pace. I'm 37 when I as born the cassette is introduce, and went from the CD to mp3 player, to streaming in almost 4 full decades. The human genome project was completed when I was in high school and now we can edited genes. We really are changing and if we want to stay current we better get into science or else.