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Real Life RoboCops

Invasion of privacy , cops are probably close by waiting for someone to do something so they can pounce & say I told you
Invasion of privacy , cops are probably close by waiting for someone to do something so they can pounce & say I told you

There is zero expectation of privacy when you're in public which is why photographers / videographers can shoot/record anyone in public without their consent.

I think this will fall under the same level of scrutiny as red light cameras.
Red light cameras are stationary, this is moving

Doesn't matter, the key issue brought up by people advocating for the removal of red light cameras is that a cop isn't the one that caught them making an illegal turn or speeding through red, or whatever, a piece of equipment did. Same for this: Let's say a drug sale was caught by the robot, can they really act on it after-the-fact because it wasn't a cop that saw it happen, it was a "robot".