Quadrillion' tons of diamonds discovered deep below Earth's surface

Y'all some college educated niggas right? Y'all didn't have Geology?

There's a whole lot of gemstones out there of higher value, made with more skill, and way more rarity than a diamond. A little Googling can inform you of what you could seek out to fit whatever you desire in your jewelry. Now how easy it is to get some of those things might be a different matter. I've seen opals go for 10k, smokey quartz, and all that tricked out have all kinds of very appealing colors. Compared to the other stuff diamonds ain't all that hot at all.

Silver (stainless steel) or the gneiss rock are my personal favorites.


If you really want one of kind jewelry....get gemstones....much more rare and valuable
Y'all some college educated niggas right? Y'all didn't have Geology?

There's a whole lot of gemstones out there of higher value, made with more skill, and way more rarity than a diamond. A little Googling can inform you of what you could seek out to fit whatever you desire in your jewelry. Now how easy it is to get some of those things might be a different matter. I've seen opals go for 10k, smokey quartz, and all that tricked out have all kinds of very appealing colors. Compared to the other stuff diamonds ain't all that hot at all.

Silver (stainless steel) or the gneiss rock are my personal favorites.
I will say that the only edge diamond has on the others is it's strength. harder to dull or chip at.

but, sapphire is damn near the same, much more affordable and in many more colors. rarer too I think.
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