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Poll Putting A Child In A Predominantly White School Does More Harm Than Good

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Putting Black children in private schools and pre-domimantly white schools will set them up for confusion if Black parents refuse to teach their child that they are Black and what that means.

Most of the time, Black children in these environments have aspirational parents that are delusional and teach their children that they are exceptional.

So when the racism happens and it will happen, the child is confused about why.

You end up like child like the New Carlton, Black in classification only. He needs Will to teach him how to be Black because his parents wanna be on some New Black shit.
Putting Black children in private schools and pre-domimantly white schools will set them up for confusion if Black parents refuse to teach their child that they are Black and what that means.

Most of the time, Black children in these environments have aspirational parents that are delusional and teach their children that they are exceptional.

So when the racism happens and it will happen, the child is confused about why.

You end up like child like the New Carlton, Black in classification only. He needs Will to teach him how to be Black because his parents wanna be on some New Black shit.
False. Keeping your kid in underfunded public schools is what will do real harm. Especially if the parents in those schools aren't involved. The demographic makeup really doesn't mean shit. Carlton is a TV character not reallife

Schools don't teach kids what it means to be black, never have. That's up to parents. What bad schools will teach kids though is bad habits, and expose them to other kids who have zero purpose. So the only concern a parent "should" have whether the school is predominantly black, white, latino, asian, mixed is if it's a good school environment.
Depends on the child, some kids for some reason, are just so personable and charismatic, so calming and at peace with themselves. That they thrive in any environment and take the bad from the environment as just a factor of the environment and not an indictment on them or those that populate the environment.

And it seems to be more of a nature thing than nurture thing. Some people are just blessed to exist as human beings, they somehow just know how you pose to do this shit. If you got that type of kid, a predominantly white and well funded school, could end up with them as a fucking senator.
Any other type of kids, it’s a shit show, id rather a underfunded black school and having them participate in extracurricular activities to make up for the what the school takes from them
My kid is about to start kindergarten at a public school that has more Indians than any other race

Curious to see how this goes but I assume they not gonna be dummies
False. Keeping your kid in underfunded public schools is what will do real harm. Especially if the parents in those schools aren't involved. The demographic makeup really doesn't mean shit. Carlton is a TV character not reallife

Schools don't teach kids what it means to be black, never have. That's up to parents. What bad schools will teach kids though is bad habits, and expose them to other kids who have zero purpose. So the only concern a parent "should" have whether the school is predominantly black, white, latino, asian, mixed is if it's a good school environment.

Lol, we do have real live Carltons, it's called the Congressional Black Caucus. You see how ineffective they are. They ain't better than the Asians or the Latinos or the crazy White Republicans. They don't know how to be Black.

Saying the demographic of a school don't mean anything is hilarious. Demographics mean everything. Race and ethinicity is a proxy for class. There's a reason why Black students at HBCUs perform better, it's because the teachers understand their actual education level.

Sending a Black American child to a White ass school or a private for a "better" education is silly.

What makes a bad school isn't funding or even the curriculum.

It's a lack of graduate educated and professional parents that don't understand that kids need to be educated year around in order to be competitive.

School isn't a place of learning, it's a place of selection.

Schools in America conform to the expectations of the parents. Expectations of the parent is determined by the class of the parents.

If you the type of parent that got tutors on deck and sending them to math and science summer camps, you obviously been rigorously educated and rewarded for it. You gonna be at the school board meeting, making sure your tax dollars go towards shit you want your kid to have.

Now a typical Black American parent can't afford that shit. Don't even know that type of shit is going on. They decide to send their kid to a school full of kids that have resources at home like that. That kid is gonna get eaten alive academically no matter how smart they are and they ain't gonna be nourished culturally.

Black parents want their children to have the same as the White kids across the tracks but ain't even did the work politically to make it happen.

Then send they kid over there for a better education but don't have the resources at home to capitalize on it.

If you can't afford the summer camps, can't help your kid with Calculus 3, ain't planning on getting your kid a college admissions counselor as a sophomore, send they ass to public school.
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So I had first hand experience....and yes it does harm.

Unless they know the family previously... They'll often project their prejudices onto black children as they have very limited exposure to actual black children.

My son has had his issues in school... However when at predominant black schools that have children who actually come from troubled homes... The staff there can quickly tell that my kid doesn't come from a bad home.. He's just acting out.

At the White Schools.. they treated him like he was very incarnation of everything they've ever seen on the news about black kids.

I came to the school to check on him one day, and they got nervous like the were in the middle of a domestic custody battle. They were legit upset that I came to the school to check on my kid, when the school called cuz he was acting up.

At his school now, the don't even care if I sign in or not bcuz they are so familiar with black dads actually showing up to deal with their kids.... Them white folks were confused.

And when I look at both my wife's brothers.... I'm very convinced that the schools the went to treated them like thugs so much and for so long, that they were convinced they actually were thugs.

Had my son stayed in that school he might have been arrested by now..... In fact I'm sure of it.
Lol, we do have real live Carltons, it's called the Congressional Black Caucus. You see how ineffective they are. They ain't better than the Asians or the Latinos or the crazy White Republicans. They don't know how to be Black.

Saying the demographic of a school don't mean anything is hilarious. Demographics mean everything. Race and ethinicity is a proxy for class. There's a reason why Black students at HBCUs perform better, it's because the teachers understand their actual education level.

Sending a Black American child to a White ass school or a private for a "better" education is silly.

What makes a bad school isn't funding or even the curriculum.

It's a lack of graduate educated and professional parents that don't understand that kids need to be educated year around in order to be competitive.

School isn't a place of learning, it's a place of selection.

Schools in America conform to the expectations of the parents. Expectations of the parent is determined by the class of the parents.

If you the type of parent that got tutors on deck and sending them to math and science summer camps, you obviously been rigorously educated and rewarded for it.

Now a typical Black American parent can't afford that shit. Don't even know that type of shit is going on. They decide to send your kid to a school full of kids that have resources at home like that. That kid is gonna get eaten alive academically no matter how smart they are and they ain't gonna be nourished culturally.
lol at "School isn't a place of learning, it's a place of selection", what kind of thinking is this? My wife is a teacher. She's taught in both public and private schools. The idea that we have to segregate ourselves speaks more to people who haven't truly lived in the world. I'm sure most of the people in this thread went to schools at one time where most weren't black, who really cares? We're like 13% of the country, it's how the world works. When you get to college, and then a career, it will be the same. We aren't weak and we thrive no matter what situation is thrown at us.

It's also wild how you throw the Congressional Black Caucus under the bus. I'm sure they would be surprised to find out their success is something people shouldn't aspire to. And that they didn't go to predominantly black schools, even though many did lol. The whole concept of this is straight outta the 1960s really.

Now a typical Black American parent can't afford that shit. Don't even know that type of shit is going on. They decide to send your kid to a school full of kids that have resources at home like that. That kid is gonna get eaten alive academically no matter how smart they are and they ain't gonna be nourished culturally.
Most of us are middle to working class. The idea that we "cant' afford shit" is a stereotype. And with involved parents a kid will reach the levels typically of the environment they are put in. Which is why so many give back and open quality schools in bad areas, because that's what matters, not demographics. And I'm not saying there can't be challenges, btu that's true in any type of school
lol at "School isn't a place of learning, it's a place of selection", what kind of thinking is this? My wife is a teacher. She's taught in both public and private schools. The idea that we have to segregate ourselves speaks more to people who haven't truly lived in the world. I'm sure most of the people in this thread went to schools at one time where most weren't black, who really cares? We're like 13% of the country, it's how the world works. When you get to college, and then a career, it will be the same. We aren't weak and we thrive no matter what situation is thrown at us.

It's also wild how you throw the Congressional Black Caucus under the bus. I'm sure they would be surprised to find out their success is something people shouldn't aspire to. And that they didn't go to predominantly black schools, even though many did lol. The whole concept of this is straight outta the 1960s really.

Most of us are middle to working class. The idea that we "cant' afford shit" is a stereotype. And with involved parents a kid will reach the levels typically of the environment they are put in. Which is why so many give back and open quality schools in bad areas, because that's what matters, not demographics. And I'm not saying there can't be challenges, btu that's true in any type of school

According to the UNCF's African-American Youth's Perception of K-12 Education, which surveyed the impressions of K-12 education by low-income black students, the biggest obstacle to going college wasn't the quality of their education but their inability to pay for college. Out of the 11 obstacles listed, the quality of their education was second to last.

This is despite their curriculum being subpar and their school underperforming because the most important to them is being around people that actually care about them. 70 percent of the students said there was an adult that tracked their progress.

School vouchers does not improve performance. A study that focused on voucher programs in D.C, Louisiana, Ohio, and Indiana found that students that went a voucher to attend private school had worse performance than similar kids that do not attend a private school. Funny enough, they found that D.C public schools spent more time on reading and math than public schools.

I wonder why?

Even Milwaukee, the city that blazed the trail for voucher programs, public school students do better than private.

Which brings me back to the point education being more about selection than scholastic learning. Parents determine the educational attainment of their children more than schools. The curriculum, the pupil to teacher disparity, dollar to student expenditure, none of that is more important than parental and family background.

And when it comes to Black American student's performance, the most important thing are social connections and the feeling of belonging. Black American's social exclusion in private school settings has an impact on their overall performance.

Most of these voucher programs funds get pocketed by White families that can afford to send their kids to private school and their children have never attended a public school.

Which brings me to the New Blacks, the Carltons of the world, the Congressional Black Caucus types that haven't done shit for anybody. They stay sequestered among their own kind while the rest of the Black America crumbles.

The school voucher programs, Black kids in private in schools, are no different than Black folks up in Washington DC and every city hall across the country.

Surrounded by White folks raking in the money while their district and city in the shitter. White folks privatizing everything to keep Black folks out. But we send them up to Washington DC with the impression that they are exceptional for being selected and they can't compete with the average ass dumbass White boy or paranoid deranged White woman in securing resources for us.

Black Americans are 13.6 percent of population and hold 4.7 percent of the the wealth.

The racial wealth gap is growing and not closing anytime soon.

In 2022, 49 percent of Black people made less than 50K.

We have the data, if the New Blacks are so good and so exceptional, why we are locked out of wealth and income? The richest Black person in America got like 5 billion? They ain't even rich.

I have a theory, the imagined proximity that Black Americans have to White people, the worse they perform. White psychologists call it stereotype threat, I call it the Carlton Syndrome.

Lol, if I want my kid to be president, I'll send they ass to Phillip Exeter Academy, so they can learn how be a Carlton.
I guess I can agree. I went to a special science and math school my last two years of high school. I saw how people of other races (e.g., Chinese and Indians) played the shit out of themselves to be accepted by the white people. It didn't work as much with the black people there because we had enough of us to have our own little circle, but if we were younger I could see it adversely affecting some of us.
I went to an all boys Catholic school for 7th and 8th grade. I was one of 6 Black students.

It was the best thing that ever happened to me. The teachers force you to do your homework so you learn better.

In public school I took classes where there was no homework.
I went to an all boys Catholic school for 7th and 8th grade. I was one of 6 Black students.

It was the best thing that ever happened to me. The teachers force you to do your homework so you learn better.

In public school I took classes where there was no homework.
What’s wrong with a class with no homework?

Especially if that teacher is doing real teaching in the the room instead of outsourcing their job to parents at home