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Puerto Rico just lost power yet again in total blackout


Unverified Legion of Trill member

Puerto Rico lost power again Wednesday when a toppled transmission line caused a total blackout, the most recent outcome of the island’s aged power infrastructure struggling to recover after Hurricane Maria.

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, or PREPA, tweeted about the island-wide power outage just before 10 a.m. It could take as long as 36 hours to restore electricity to everyone, according to PREPA, the highly indebted company that generates and delivers all public power on the island.

Hospitals, banks and the San Juan airport will get priority before power is back on in homes and businesses, the company said. This widespread outage follows many other smaller blackouts in Puerto Rico since the catastrophic hurricane in September. Last week, half the island lost power when a tree fell on a power line.

PREPA’s interim director Justo González said Wednesday that Cobra Energy, a U.S. private contractor, hit the transmission line with a crane, as reported in El Nuevo Dia. The same company caused the big outage last week, the newspaper says.

Lionel Orama, an electrical engineer and University of Puerto Rico professor, said what most likely happened is that two main power plants, AES and Aguirre, immediately unplugged from the power system to protect their large generators after the transmission line was toppled. That sudden loss of power transmission, he said, then makes it impossible for substations to keep running.

“That is a huge transmission line that connects both plants,” Orama said. “The problem is both plants (in the south half) were delivering power to the north half of the island. Whenever there’s a huge outage from one of them, especially Augerrie, the system is in danger to go out completely.”




AEE Informa: Se detectó falla en la línea 50700 que discurre desde la Central Aguirre hasta AES. Personal técnico trabaja para atender el evento a nivel Isla. CC1

11:09 AM - Apr 18, 2018
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Marla Pérez, an associate professor at the University of Puerto Rico, said she was working from her home in Mayagüez, on the island’s far west side, when the power suddenly went out.

“Everything went silent,” Perez said. “My first thought was here we go again.” She said she knew it wasn’t just her home once she heard her neighbor’s generator kick on and started to smell the machine's diesel fuel. One traffic light in her town is still working somehow, she added.

“This is the second blackout in less than a week,” she said. “The service is not reliable.”

Tens of thousands of people have not had electricity since the massive storm seven months ago.

“This is all very worrisome, obviously, as we approach another hurricane season,” said Cathy Kunkel, an energy analyst with the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. “The grid is so fragile and they’re just barely able to get the lights back on.”

Kunkel served as an expert witness in several proceedings regarding Puerto Rico’s energy system and written op-eds on the crumbling infrastructure.

“Until PREPA is back on a more stable financial footing, it seems like they are continuing to have major problems with reliability,” she said. “It’s very worrisome.”
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yooo.....like last week they had a tree fall on a power line...and 800k people was out of power.

they really dont give a shit about the island.....

but watch....in two years.....just watch
yooo.....like last week they had a tree fall on a power line...and 800k people was out of power.

they really dont give a shit about the island.....

but watch....in two years.....just watch

What happens in 2 years?
What happens in 2 years?
i guarantee you that they will gentrify the whole island. and turn it into a place for poor white trash no passport having whites can go for vacation.

it will slowly be taken over by whites.
and due to all the oil and gas and gold currently found right outside and around haiti.....it will be another storage port as well.

its crazy how the whole island was out of power execept...juncos, san juan and barceloneta....those places all have pharma industry
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New Report Claims Hurricane Maria Killed Nearly 3,000 in Puerto Rico as Official Government Count Sits at 64

A new study determined a total of 2,975 people in Puerto Rico were killed as a result of Hurricane Maria from September 2017 to February 2018, far exceeding the federal government’s previous estimates.

The report, obtained by CBS News, was commissioned by Governor Ricardo Rosselló in partnership with George Washington University researchers who discovered that elderly men and low-income neighborhoods faced the greatest risk from the damage.

That number stands in stark contrast to the government’s official toll, which is still sitting at 64, according to ABC News. The reason for the massive discrepancy, the report said, was due to the ways in which the fallout was evaluated.

“The official government estimate of 64 deaths from the hurricane is low primarily because the conventions used for causal attribution only allowed for classification of deaths attributable directly to the storm, e.g., those caused by structural collapse, flying debris, floods and drownings,” it read.

However, the new number doesn’t come close to the more than 4,600 deaths Harvard University linked to the hurricane last May in a study using an even smaller time frame from September to December. That suggests the actual toll may be even greater than some researchers have concluded.

Responding to the news, Politico reporter Marc Caputo pointed out that the infamous Hurricane Katrina had wreaked less havoc than Maria with a reportedly smaller death toll.


Sarah Sanders Responds to New Puerto Rico Death Toll: Trump Is ‘Proud’ of the Government Response

In response to the news that Puerto Rican officials raised the Hurricane Maria death toll from 64 to a shocking 2,975, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders released a statement assuring Americans that “the federal government has been… supportive” of the US territory’s recovery efforts.

The toll was drastically raised after researchers with the George Washington University’s Milken School of Public Health studied deaths in Puerto Rico between September 2017 to February 2018.

Sanders issued the new statement after many have questioned whether or not the federal government did enough to help recovery efforts:

The federal government has been, and will continue to be, supportive of Governor Rossello’s efforts to ensure a full accountability and transparency of fatalities resulting from last year’s hurricanes — the American people, including those grieving the loss of a loved one, deserve no less. The President remains proud of all of the work the Federal family undertook to help our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico. The devastating back-to-back hurricanes were met with the largest domestic disaster response mission in history. We are focused on Puerto Rico’s recovery and preparedness for the current Hurricane Season. The federal government will continue to support the Government of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican communities in their recovery from Hurricanes Imma and Maria for years to come.”

Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rossello called the new death toll “painful,” while Carlos Santos-Burgoa, a researcher who aided with the study, said, “There are huge inequalities in Puerto Rico that were brought up by the hurricane.”

“We thought we would capture all the deaths if we looked at the period between September 2017 and February 2018, but in reality, even in February, there was still some excess deaths among the poor and the elderly,” said Dr. Lynn Goldman, who is the dean of the Milken School of Public Health, in a comment to ABC News. “It might make sense to follow through for the next six months to see when the death rates actually return to base line.”

The report also found that the hurricane deadliness was amplified by “loss of electricity, issues with getting food and water, [and lack of] healthcare,” according to Goldman.

Days after the Hurricane Maria hit the territory, President Donald Trump infamously said that everyone can “be very proud” about Puerto Rico’s recovery efforts, since if compared to a “real catastrophe like Katrina” where a “tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died.”

“16 people versus in the thousands,” Trump added.

man i told yall my folk in PR told me many people was dying and many more are very sick because of the animals that are sick and drinking bad water....they are eating those animals and drinking that same water.

because they dont have clean water to drink.....

but wait....look at this
20000 pallets of water just sitting in puerto rico

man i told yall my folk in PR told me many people was dying and many more are very sick because of the animals that are sick and drinking bad water....they are eating those animals and drinking that same water.

because they dont have clean water to drink.....

but wait....look at this
20000 pallets of water just sitting in puerto rico

I love Puerto Rico. It's so sad all the shit they have been going through all these years. Their politicians down there aren't to be trusted and our own president never took what happened down there as serious as he should have.

I wouldn't be surprised like @DOS_patos said if this is kinda a slick play to get folks to give up and leave the island so the president and his friends could try and purchase land for cheaper than market value. I will say this though, the Puerto Rican people aren't going to give up on their homeland as easily as many think. I honestly believe not many folks are going to sell their homes and land to outsiders.
I love Puerto Rico. It's so sad all the shit they have been going through all these years. Their politicians down there aren't to be trusted and our own president never took what happened down there as serious as he should have.

I wouldn't be surprised like @DOS_patos said if this is kinda a slick play to get folks to give up and leave the island so the president and his friends could try and purchase land for cheaper than market value. I will say this though, the Puerto Rican people aren't going to give up on their homeland as easily as many think. I honestly believe not many folks are going to sell their homes and land to outsiders.
Same with Bahamas.