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Psychological problems: are they a pharmaceutical scam?


Real Thugs Eat Green Apple Jolly Ranchers.
Ya'll will hate me but I don't believe in none of that "here take this pill for your depression, ADHD, ADD, PTSD" and whatever other "so called" mental health issue you have.

If its mental you can fix it yourself. Mentally.

*weebay shrugs.
I love you too @BNE

Ya'll will hate me but I don't believe in none of that "here take this pill for your depression, ADHD, ADD, PTSD" and whatever other "so called" mental health issue you have.

If its mental you can fix it yourself. Mentally.

*weebay shrugs.
for the milder ones sure but saying it's just mental isn't accurate. chemical imbalances and hormonal problems play a part, especially with sudden onset shit.

do u believe schizophrenia doesn't require medication too?
for the milder ones sure but saying it's just mental isn't accurate. chemical imbalances and hormonal problems play a part, especially with sudden onset shit.

do u believe schizophrenia doesn't require medication too?

You and I will def have to delve into this some more. I would enjoy your POV.

My thesis was based on this and it took me 6 months to compile enough evidence from scientist, medical doctors, behavioral science practitioners etc to come up with an argument to do away with all pharmaceutical drugs 'claiming" to assist or be rid of mental issues such as those we are speaking about.

Numerous placebo studies have shown that patience given water pills but whom were told they were given medication for their condition actually got better. As with ALL medications you only need a certain amount of folks who do 'not' show improvement on 3 placebo tests to consider the drug necessary and profitable.

It is all a scam. Pharmaceutical and government.

As far as chemical imbalance and hormonal problems? where are the studies, the x-rays the graphs "proving" that there is in fact a "Chemical" brain imbalance from a person diagnosed with schizophrenia and one who is known to be sane?

Where are the hormonal tests showing an altered state from one whom is deemed to have ADD or PTSD and one who is not.

You and I will side bar gorgeous, it would be interesting indeed. :-)
Ya'll will hate me but I don't believe in none of that "here take this pill for your depression, ADHD, ADD, PTSD" and whatever other "so called" mental health issue you have.

If its mental you can fix it yourself. Mentally.

*weebay shrugs.


I do agree wit overmedication, and taking medication for EVERY ailgnment a person may have. Especially when it comes to children.

But like BNE stated, there is chemical imbalance that certain medications are able to handle. Now ole girl's depression wasn't severe as others. Which was good I guess. But when she did have her moments, best thing I'd do is give her space. Let ride that moment out.
You and I will def have to delve into this some more. I would enjoy your POV.

My thesis was based on this and it took me 6 months to compile enough evidence from scientist, medical doctors, behavioral science practitioners etc to come up with an argument to do away with all pharmaceutical drugs 'claiming" to assist or be rid of mental issues such as those we are speaking about.

Numerous placebo studies have shown that patience given water pills but whom were told they were given medication for their condition actually got better. As with ALL medications you only need a certain amount of folks who do 'not' show improvement on 3 placebo tests to consider the drug necessary and profitable.

It is all a scam. Pharmaceutical and government.

As far as chemical imbalance and hormonal problems? where are the studies, the x-rays the graphs "proving" that there is in fact a "Chemical" brain imbalance from a person diagnosed with schizophrenia and one who is known to be sane?

Where are the hormonal tests showing an altered state from one whom is deemed to have ADD or PTSD and one who is not.

You and I will side bar gorgeous, it would be interesting indeed. :)
this aint my field so I can't speak on it confidently but there were cases of schizophrenia prior to there ever being medication for it.


guy kills toddler n himself cuz he hears voices. while wife n other kids r just outside in the yard.

if it's all mental, what then of the ppl who wld kill others or themselves if left to their own devices? wld talking it out or learning coping methods be enough to keep that level of unpredictability in check?

I share ur view that these meds r poison but in extreme cases they r the lesser evil.
this aint my field so I can't speak on it confidently but there were cases of schizophrenia prior to there ever being medication for it.


guy kills toddler n himself cuz he hears voices. while wife n other kids r just outside in the yard.

if it's all mental, what then of the ppl who wld kill others or themselves if left to their own devices? wld talking it out or learning coping methods be enough to keep that level of unpredictability in check?

I share ur view that these meds r poison but in extreme cases they r the lesser evil.

Sad story. :-( BASTARD!!!!

I hear you love, but who told us that it was because he was crazy? Do we have proof of said craziness other than what we read or were told?
Do you think that was the first time he heard he was crazy?

If You tell someone something enough they start to believe it and act accordingly.

As stated, there have been water pill tests done on cases upon cases of people who have been deemed "Sick" (all encompassing word for the ailments we speak of) .Many who are in mental institutions for life or until death after being convicted of heinous crimes and found Not guilty by reason of insanity. Who miraculously improved and some , so much so that prosecutors have tried to re-convict.

Guess they felt that they were faking all along.

One study in particular was of the The lady who killed all of her children and lined them up on the sidewalk outside of her house one by one, she was supposedly diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. Which back then was fairly new. They stated, at the time, that it was normally found in women within short window after the birth of a child. Mainly within the first 3 months...her youngest child was 6 :disnig:, But her psych diagnosed her with Postpartum depression.

Instead of calling her BS and convicting her of multiple murders she was deemed crazy and they even went as far as to add a diagnosis for her particular case. Postpartum Psychosis, which is considered SUPER rare, probably because not many people, if any are diagnosed as often as other conditions. smh...

Last I heard she was doing much better on her placebo's, she leaves once a week to attend her church like normal in her hometown and even asked for additional days out. smh... really, after murdering your 5 children..

Oh wait... she's not responsible, she had a chemical imbalance and hormonal blah blah blah.. riiiiight.

Edit: K.. My bad for the derail love bugs!! back to our original scheduled program. I will bug @BNE in her inbox haha. :icu1:

I think there were witnesses to him responding to voices no one else cld hear, n he mentioned it in letters to his fam.

plus, why pick one child out of the many he had? n do this while his other kids n wife were so close?

baring in mind that it was hundreds of yrs ago n no1 wld've let him off trial with the insanity plea. schizophrenia wasn't even a term yet.

on the example of the multiple child killer, yes plenty of ppl use the insanity plea to get lighter sentences. postpartum depression is real tho, there r ppl who have never experienced any low mood in their lives who suddenly feel wildly different shortly after having a kid.

I think there were witnesses to him responding to voices no one else cld hear, n he mentioned it in letters to his fam.

plus, why pick one child out of the many he had? n do this while his other kids n wife were so close?

baring in mind that it was hundreds of yrs ago n no1 wld've let him off trial with the insanity plea. schizophrenia wasn't even a term yet.

on the example of the multiple child killer, yes plenty of ppl use the insanity plea to get lighter sentences. postpartum depression is real tho, there r ppl who have never experienced any low mood in their lives who suddenly feel wildly different shortly after having a kid.

Who's to say that the voices in his head weren't real? Just because most do not hear them, we deem them crazy for hearing it. Then we label them"crazy" and they act accordingly.

What about Joan of Arc, she supposedly stated that she heard the voice of God guiding her to do things. Crazy? Not really up until the point where her actions started getting everybody and they mama killed. haha.

I don't know, I'm set in my ways about it and haven't found anything that proves otherwise.

If you get better off of a water pill, to me that is proof that it is MENTAL and what you BELIEVE is what is deemed truth. Even if it leads you to murder.

Believing in something has lead terminal cancer patients into full remission "without" medication or any kind of chemo.. But we call those things "miracles" haha. We are a strange bunch of oranges , I tell you what. lol

And don't think I aint notice you made this thread to detour me from being in your box lady.. I see you ';;lll
Ya'll will hate me but I don't believe in none of that "here take this pill for your depression, ADHD, ADD, PTSD" and whatever other "so called" mental health issue you have.

If its mental you can fix it yourself. Mentally.

*weebay shrugs.
I believe that those things exist I just don't believe in the pills they give you for them.
Who's to say that the voices in his head weren't real? Just because most do not hear them, we deem them as crazy for hearing it. Then they are told they are off and that they are different and weird and "crazy" and act accordingly.

What about Joan of Arc, she supposedly stated that she heard the voice of God guiding her to do things. Crazy? Not really up until the point where her actions started getting everybody and they mama killed. haha.

I don't know, I'm set in my ways about it and haven't found anything that proves otherwise.

If you get better off of a water pill, to me that is proof that it is MENTAL and what you BELIEVE is what is deemed truth. Even if it leads you to murder.

Believing in something has lead terminal cancer patients into full remission "without" medication or any kind of chemo.. But we call those things "miracles" haha. We are a strange bunch of oranges , I tell you what. lol

And don't think I aint notice you made this thread to detour me from being in your box lady.. I see you ';;lll
u r welcome in my DMs chica lol

yes, I believe Joan of Arc was prolly struggling with mental health. n trans.

what do u believe the voices in his head were tho? who from?
Mental illness is real but there are other ways to heal it than medication.

I hate medicine. I hate taking medicine for a simple headache.
Say what you want about medication, but it's only thing that's been proven to work consistently

Wrong young sir,

If this were the case we would have ZERO mental health issues.

Think of an aspirin, you take it with a headache but it only allows for you to "deal" with the pain of the headache, but people don't stop to think about the CAUSE of the headache. Aspirin is not curing the issue, it only clouds the symptoms for a brief moment.

So the medication for the "mental health" issues only clouds the symptoms for a brief moment, so would weed, but it doesn't rid the issue.

But the water pills did, why... because people BELIEVED that they were taking the cure for their ailments.

It's mental . Simple... yes., Black and White...
Wrong young sir,

If this were the case we would have ZERO mental health issues.

Think of an aspirin, you take it with a headache but it only allows for you to "deal" with the pain of the headache, but people don't stop to think about the CAUSE of the headache. Aspirin is not curing the issue, it only clouds the symptoms for a brief moment.

So the medication for the "mental health" issues only clouds the symptoms for a brief moment, so would weed, but it doesn't rid the issue.

But the water pills did, why... because people BELIEVED that they were taking the cure for their ailments.

It's mental . Simple... yes., Black and White...
is it mental in the cases of ppl who r severely inbred, like many European kings, who have both physical n mental impairments as a result?

r those mental health issues real? cuz with inbreds they have a higher chance of inheriting that shit
The thing out about medication it takes so long for them to get the right meds and does right to take care of the issues. The meds can really really help you and I have seen them help someone BUT until they get the right dosages right and meds responding correctly. You're a guinea pig and that is not a joke.

I dealt with it personally with family members. I'm not a fan of meds but I've seen the benefits it's just the long road of getting there is a issue.

Also..............weed is great self med but it only works for those with mild cases of whatever ailment they have. If you're really in psychosis you most definitely need the meds.