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Pro Black Rap From The Late 80s/Early 90s

Here's a socio-political song by Awesome Dre

And here's the same artist, Awesome Dre, dissing LL Cool J

One of the best days for Detroit rappers in the late 80's was the day Frankly Speaking debuted on Rap City and on the same day it came on Yo MTV Raps.
also, this is the cover for that Awesome Dre single "Lame Loser"


Which he re-made for the album cover

Any idea why he went after LL? Or was that just the thing to do in 1988?

yeah, it was kinda the thing to do. Some of everybody was coming at LL in '88.

"Jack the Ripper's a punk / I never liked you, sucker, and your records stunk"