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PIZZAGATE is Back....James Alefantis is in trouble. FEDS watching......


For those of yall that don't know the background behind #pizzagate...James Alefantis is the owner of Comet Ping Pong. It's a pizza restaurant in Washington DC. He was brought up in John Podesta's emails that were apart of the leak connect to Hilary Clinton. Basically, they are saying he is a running a child pedophile ring with some sick things happening there.... check these out for more info:

And with any so called "conspiracy theory" linking people of importance to nefarious activities, the spin doctors in the media were quick to "debunk" it...

But now there's this.....


What's done in the dark always comes to light.

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I heard about this but not in full detail. Bout to check out the videos, I might have to a trip down the block and smack up some mfs.
So they took em to get pizza afterwards?

Places like 4chan and Reddit used to have Child Porn threads that the codenamed "Cheese Pizza".

Conspiracy theorists believe that this guy who owns a place that serves pizza is involved in a pedo ring because big time politicians were hacked and seemed to be talking in code about stuff and lots of mentions of pizza and this guys restaurant were brought up.
so what's the conspiracy?

dude pushing child sex rings for politicians?

That plus some....

Watch the two videos when you get time. Or look at the info dropped on the link I posted.

Places like 4chan and Reddit used to have Child Porn threads that the codenamed "Cheese Pizza".

Conspiracy theorists believe that this guy who owns a place that serves pizza is involved in a pedo ring because big time politicians were hacked and seemed to be talking in code about stuff and lots of mentions of pizza and this guys restaurant were brought up.

Have you ever heard of Johnny Gosch? Look up his story and then tell me how far fetched it sounds for policticians to be involved in this type of madness...

Shout out to @Zagreus for putting me on to Johnny Gosch
No i never heard of Johnny Gosch. I suppose i will look him up. I've never thought it to be too far fetched for politicians to be involved in this type of stuff though.

There have been rumors for years about that "Pedo Airlines" or whatever its called. Rich folk taking a private jet and having pedo sex on the jet until they reach their destination. Rich people are evil as fuck. We must rob them of their wealth.