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People are thinking it over about having kids - thanks to climate change!

Mister B. M. Ed.

The Devil’s Greatest Advocate…..

Climate change is making people think twice about having children

A growing number of people are reluctant to bring a child into a world that’s set to be ravaged by climate change in the coming decades.

It comes shortly after the United Nations issued a “code red for humanity” as the world’s leading climate scientists delivered their starkest warning yet about the deepening climate emergency. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report on Monday said global temperatures are likely to rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next two decades, exceeding a key target of the Paris Agreement — a landmark accord considered critically important to reduce the risk of a climate catastrophe.

Scientists’ increasingly bleak outlook for the future of the planet is putting more and more people off having children.

Analysts at Morgan Stanley said in a note to investors last month that the “movement to not have children owing to fears over climate change is growing and impacting fertility rates quicker than any preceding trend in the field of fertility decline.”

To support their argument, they pointed to surveys, academic research and Google data that shows climate change is directly and indirectly accelerating the decline in fertility rates. UCLA researchers showed that the number of births in the U.S. fell in the nine months after an extreme heat event while a study of 18,000 couples in China last year showed that climate change, and particulate pollution in particular, was associated with a 20% increased likelihood of infertility.

Some people are choosing not to have children because they fear that that doing so will amplify global warming.
Honestly I'm in the same boat. 31 with no kids currently. Been seeing someone, shes 26 and she asked me if i ever would want kids in the future. Just in general. We're not setting plans on having kids or anything haha. My answer was yeah, I would like to have some mini me's in the future, but the more I think about it, I almost feel like it would be fucked up to have kids with the state of the world. Could just be overthinking it, but it feels like I would be bringing them in to a doomed life haha.
Good, they should "think twice". I was on the fence for a long time, but I'm practically an anti-natalist at this point. I love kids and wish I could have had some in this life, but when I look around at what's going on, I just don't like what I see, man. This is a sentiment that goes beyond climate change. Everything just feels wrong, like we're all in the bad timeline, lol.
Just my assumption but I think most ppl made that personal decision regardless of this. Not knocking it either.

Personally I feel like having a few more kids. Shits always gonna be fucked up in the world.
a study of 18,000 couples in China last year showed that climate change, and particulate pollution in particular, was associated with a 20% increased likelihood of infertility.

They buried the fuck outta this part

So it’s voluntary or we’re being poisoned?
That study is nonsense.

People are never gonna stop having kids.

Those starving people in Africa won't stop having kids and it's like 100 degrees every day and they don't have any food.

There's nothing that will stop people from reproducing.

Anyway, the strong survive and the weak perish.

I wouldn't have a problem if the inferior people died off.
That study is nonsense.

People are never gonna stop having kids.

Those starving people in Africa won't stop having kids and it's like 100 degrees every day and they don't have any food.

There's nothing that will stop people from reproducing.

Anyway, the strong survive and the weak perish.

I wouldn't have a problem if the inferior people died off.

Bruh wtf are you talking about? Nobody said people all over the world are gonna stop having kids. I think they talking about the us
That study is nonsense.

People are never gonna stop having kids.

Those starving people in Africa won't stop having kids and it's like 100 degrees every day and they don't have any food.

There's nothing that will stop people from reproducing.

Anyway, the strong survive and the weak perish.

I wouldn't have a problem if the inferior people died off.

@ the underline.
