NXT Thread (5/28)

I just caught up on NXT today. I had recorded both AEW & NXT to the DVR but had a power outage that night that lasted a little over 2 hours. I was watching NXT and the shit didn't record the end of the Women's Battle Royal though.

Idc what ratings says but I think NXT has had the better shows over the last 2 weeks.
Yeah NXT had the better shows due to some good match quality bookings the past 2 weeks but not by much, both pumping out some good stuff right now outside AEW's women's division. Best night for wrestling period is wed nights.
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NXT should be winning the ratings war when they got this sexy ass goddess Chelsea on tv.


Just not sure about pairing her with Robbie E from TNA. 2 guys I would of been fine never seeing again...Robbie E and Jessie Godderz. Lol
I liked the bromans and felt Jessie had the bigger upside... Chelseas hot mess character was ass and I never could get into her droopy eyes. Cut em both
not the biggest fans of the grizzled young vets but they don’t suck as a team

this crowd is bugging